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He refuse to admit that the reason the men started to recognize me as the head of the family was because he ran our finances to the ground, became sloppy, and nearly handed our operation gift-wrapped to the fucking Feds.

He was weak and a disgrace to this family.

“No. That is why he is like this because you always try to save him," he spat at my mother who, as expected, turned mute at his verbal lashings.

As the tension in the room grew at my silence, my wife's hands dug more into her chair.

I dropped the cutlery on the table, my elbows propping on the table as I rubbed the stubble on my chin.


He stopped his fussing with my mother and looked at me.

“That was your second warning,” my tone still stiffly calm.

The anger was seething through his teeth at this point.

“You are disrespectful and a fucking disappointment,” he looked at Eli, “All of you. Traditions matter in this family. Order matters. When I was…"

He stopped talking because the next thing that shouted louder than him was my gun. My mother and sister screamed bloody murder and covered their heads while Mia sat frozen, no longer breathing.

Silas, Eli, and Liam didn’t flinch. They were accustomed to the sound of bullets whistling through the air and pass their ears.

“The next one will go in your head. Now. Be. Quiet. And. Eat,” I said, loudly placing the gun on the table as I resumed eating.

My father looked at me once more but reverted his eyes to his plate which was partially cleared.

When the room was still, my wife's hands no longer grasped the edges of her chair, but she did move closer to me. It was subtle but I saw.


After dinner was over, my father pulled my mother to the guest house and the girls ran up the stairs. I figured to continue their pottery classes.

Another moment I was privy to through my unwavering need to know of her actions every second of every day.

Eli, Silas, Liam, and I sat in my office nursing stiff drinks. I had to inform them about Eli’s position in the club and Michael’s agitation with my slowness to reveal my marriage.

“The Callahan’s annual ball?” Eli questioned after I told them that Mia would accompany me to the event.

It was always a staple to go given the families that practically ran the city would be there- a way to show solidarity and call truces.

I never enjoyed going but I believed that it was important to nurture our relationships with the families. My organization was only as strong as my allies.

Eli never went on account that he was still so young and had no etiquette. Plus, I didn’t need someone to stand on his shoe and he caused a brawl. This ball was important.

Let the Banrovs and the drunk politicians be the entertainment of the party.

“Yes, but you won’t be going. You asked for more responsibility, so I expect you to take it seriously,” I said, referring to his new position at the club which Liam would oversee.

He nodded with a fierce determination in his eye.

“What about Flores?” Silas asked.

“What about him? Hopefully, he can hold off Alexsei until.”

Silas nodded his head before clapping his hands and rubbing Eli's shoulders forcing him to look at him.

“I can’t wait for you to go to one of these fucking stuck-up events. Nothing more exhilarating than knowing you are the most powerful in the room and the women...,” he whistled causing Eli and Liam to laugh while I shook my head, a small smirk playing on my lips.
