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Chapter Twenty


There were only ever two times when I felt true, gut-wrenching fear:

One: when I killed a man for the first time

Second: when Ilya's son held a gun to my wife's head.

Fuck, was I scared.

Initially, I was sure she was not what I wanted; positive that I never wanted a wife, furthermore children.

But, now I found it hard to ever imagine a time when I didn't have her. It was impossible.

At least I thought so before Alexsei made me ponder how quickly I could lose her.

The sorrow and fucking anger I felt was nothing like I had ever experienced. It made me unable to stand still or think rationally as I pictured Alexsei's finger hovering over the sensitive trigger.

What could’ve happened if he pulled that trigger like he did to Jason?

Would I be cleaning her brain tissue from Jericho’s walls or seeking my revenge?

Either way, Alexsei had his faith written in stone. He put a fucking gun to my wife’s head. MY FUCKING WIFE.

The anger that resided in me was one that toppled empires and caused country-wide panic. And it was aimed at the fucking Banrov Family.

I wanted to rid this earth of their distasteful bloodline once and for all.

That is what I would do for my wife; the lengths I would go to ensure that anything or anybody that tried to harm her was annihilated.

It pissed me off that Jericho pleaded with me to not be hasty in my act to teach Alexsei a lesson. He wanted me to give him a chance to settle it in a civilized manner; a way that wouldn’t cause the families to pick sides.

Unlike him, I didn’t want to settle this amicable. I wanted blood. Restitution for him even breathing the same air as my wife.

However, I wouldn’t be rash. I needed to be precise when I struck. That is what separated me from the likes of Alexsei and the Banrov Family.

Jericho called a meeting of the families to discuss what happened at the ball -no weapons- so as a friend and a partner, I allowed him the opportunity to try his method before I did what I needed to do to calm the fury emotion that was slowly seducing me.

My hand ran through my wife’s hair as her even breaths blew against my chest. I didn’t normally sleep in but it was called for today before I left to go to the meeting.

I sat there a few more minutes contemplating my next move as Mia began to stir next to me.

“Morning,” I said into the fluff of hair.

“Morning, Elias.” She hardly said my name but when she did it was the sweetest sound. I wanted her to repeat it until her throat was hoarse and it was the only word in her vocabulary.

I hummed, “How did you sleep?”

“Good, now that you are here. You wake up too early for me,” she said, now tracing the tattoos on my chest.

I chuckled. She was right. I was an early riser. Something my father instilled into me.

Rest is for men who have nothing to accomplish.That is what he would say.

When I left she would normally call me back to bed. I don’t know if she realized or knew in her barely conscious state, but I never told her. I liked knowing that my wife needed me near.

Sobering up, I lifted her chin to me, “What did Alexsei say to you?”
