Page 16 of Deceived

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I lived with my best friend at the time who was spending all her time with her now mates.

“Aly? She’s supernatural?”

I only nod.

“I didn’t sense that. I didn’t realize they were mates either, but it was clear they were all obsessed with her. If I had told you, it was putting your life at risk. There were five of them and one of me, I couldn’t take the risk.”

“You didn’t tell me because of them?” I ask.

With everything I now know, it seems absurd. They would never have hurt me or Ryan, but there’s no way he would have known that. I try to see it from his perspective, keeping in mind his history.

“Why not warn me about Killian?” I ask.

He turns away, not meeting my eyes. “That was a mistake.”

I wait until he looks at me again. Is that regret I see in his eyes? Fuck, I’m softening up for him.

“Because of what happened?” I ask.

“Yes. You got hurt and that’s the worst thing that could have happened.”

He’s so down on himself, I can’t help but remind him, “Well, you were in a cage when I found you, so it’s not like you got away without consequence.”

“That was nothing new,” he whispers to himself before saying, “It doesn’t matter. You’re what matters and I failed you. I’ll spend forever trying to make it up to you.”

Before I even realize it, I say, “Okay.”

The hope in his eyes guts me. I can’t hold this against him. He was a victim and so clearly sorry. Everything about him screams remorse right now. He didn’t even fight being locked in the basement.

That doesn’t mean it won’t take time to figure out who we both are now, after everything that happened.

“R-Ryan… I-”

He cuts me off. “If it’s too painful, you could use my given name. Rion. I only modernized it to fit in at University and not draw attention to myself, but it would honestly be my preference.”

He pronounces it Ree-on.

I nod, relieved. The name Ryan is steeped in pain and revenge. Killian has stolen that name from him. It’s only right he reclaims himself with his birth name.

“I would like that. As long as you are happy being Rion.” I don’t want him compromising his name just for me. That would be ridiculous.

“It reminds me of home. Of Ireland and my childhood. A time when I was happy before my brother took my life and twisted it for his own gain.” His voice is wistful.

“Then Rion it is. I’ll tell the others,” I say.

He narrows his eyes. “They like you.”

I laugh. “Well Felix is my mate so I think he’s biologically wired to like me. Griffyn and Blaze are complicated, but Aksel definitely doesn’t like me. I think his morning mantra is, ‘cut down Anna whenever possible.’”

“He does seem to be a gobshite. When I’m free I’ll beat him up for you.”

My eyes widen. An accent peaks through that I can only place since he mentioned his home was Ireland. I imagine he’s lost the accent over the years. He is over three thousand years old.

“I like to call him Akshole but gobshite sounds pretty fun too. I, uh, like your accent. Did you lose it over the years? I know you’re over three thousand years old.”

“Anna, my body might be three thousand years old, but I’m not.”

I’m about to ask him for an explanation when Aksel’s domineering voice comes from upstairs.
