Page 32 of Deceived

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“I’ll be right outside,” he says before hopping out of the car.

I get down on my knees on the floor of the backseat and aim the device under Aksel’s seat. It explodes in a glittery blue into every little crevice. There’s no way he isn’t finding this down here for weeks.

I slide out of the SUV, hoping down in time to see Griffyn coming around from the front.

“I did a little something else too. He won’t know until he uses it.” Griffyn holds up a tiny bottle of red dye.

I raise an eyebrow.

A slamming sound stops me from asking. It’s close and obnoxious which leads me to believe it’s a sign from Felix that Aksel is on the move.

“We better get inside before he finds us out here,” I say, heading to the door.

Both of us rush inside and through the hallway, I can’t help laughing from pure joy as Griffyn wraps his arms around me.



I stand in front of the coffee maker, watching it brew. I’m the first one up for the day, just the way I like it. I was in the gym for two hours already, like I am most mornings. I enjoy the solitude and time to think. I wouldn’t want anyone impacting that time.

Except for Anna. You liked when she joined you in the gym.My mind reminds me.

Like I could ever forget.

She hasn’t been back and for once I can say it’s not because I scared her away. I was pleasant for once. I’m sure she hasn’t come back because she has other things to preoccupy her mind when she wakes up.

The men in her bed.

A slight sting in my hand registers. I slowly loosen my fist so that my nails are no longer digging into my palm.

I grab the mug, taking a long sip of the black dark roast.

I hear footsteps a moment before Felix says, “Morning Aksel.”

I give him a nod of acknowledgment before sitting down at the counter with my coffee.

“Anna said dress shopping went well yesterday. I’m surprised you didn’t come back at each other’s throats. You’re always more behaved in public, though.”

Another time I was pleasant. I just couldn’t let the opportunity to spend the day with Anna pass me by. The temptation was too much to resist.

I’m sure I’ve been terrible enough that she will still hate me and I’ll have that memory to hold onto.

I let the dig at me go, instead just saying, “We will have everything we need.”

I’m still not sure this is the right move, but the alternative isn’t better.

“Good thing we have you or I would have shown up in a plain suit the first time. Not that people aren’t judging anyway, but why make it easier?”

Was that a compliment? Is he being nice right now? Normally, by now he would have moved on from trying to make conversation with me.

I glance up at him and his wide smile. He looks so happy, like nothing could bother him.

“Why do you look suspicious?” Felix asks, never breaking that stupid grin.

Blaze comes in, interrupting the conversation. He looks between the two of us, but doesn’t comment, moving towards the coffee machine for his own cup.

Felix turns to join him.
