Page 39 of Deceived

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“Sorry to hear that Anna. No problem, you’ll have a job here if you want it.”

He hangs up before I can respond. He’s not much for talking, but I appreciate him saying I can come back. He’s an incredible boss.

I wander around the house, needing to expel some energy after quitting my only source of income. I overhear noises coming from the kitchen, so I peek around the corner to see who’s in there. Blaze’s bulky form stands in front of the sink.

I grab the opportunity to talk to him since he’s alone in the kitchen. I’ve been waiting for a chance to ask him this privately since he first mentioned weavers. The others didn’t have any idea what they could do, so there is no reason to bring it up around them and risk suspicion.

“Hey Blaze!” I say brightly with my best smile.

He returns it with the slightest twitch of his lips.

“Hey Anna.”

I grab some lemonade out of the fridge and pour myself a glass. I grab a second one and pour it for Blaze too.

He stares at it as I slide it to him before looking up and staring at me next.

“It’s lemonade,” he states.

“Right. You drink it.” I take a sip of mine.

He picks it up, holding it without drinking any.

“So, are you ready for this ball thing?” I ask.

It’s tomorrow and I’m still not sure how I feel about it.


I raise an eyebrow. Not much for talking. I nod my head a couple of times, he doesn’t elaborate on my question.

“Did I hear you talking to your boss?” He asks.

“You heard that?”

He points to his ear like that should be obvious. I guess it is since he’s a shifter.

“Yeah, I told him I’m not coming back for a while.”

Here’s my chance.

“With this case and all, I’ll be distracted. By the way Blaze, how much do you know about weavers? Like how powerful are they? Could they break an enchanted object or a sire bond?” I ask.

His forehead pinches. “I don’t think so. A sire bond is stitched into someone’s soul. Weavers can manipulate someone’s mind and undo that manipulation but I don’t think they can work with magic that isn’t theirs. It would depend on the object, I don’t know much about how those work.”

Damn. I try not to let my feelings show on my face. Blaze keeps staring at me until I smile.

“Okay, I was just curious about their magic.”

He nods slowly, I’m not sure he believes me. I change the subject.

“Aksel transported with Rion and Felix with the little boy. Why don’t we always use one stone for two people?” I ask.

He raises an eyebrow. “They can be used that way, but aren’t meant to. It siphons magic off the user which could prove deadly on missions. Aksel recharges his magic with negative emotions, so his reserves would have been swelling when we found Rion.”


“Do you think I’m the person to ask magical questions to? I don’t think I’m the right person to be your source.”
