Page 40 of Deceived

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I throw my head back and laugh. He wasn’t trying to be funny, but it was.

“Blaze, trust me, you know a lot more than I do. You were born in this world, I’m just learning it.”

He thinks about my words before nodding. “Then I’ll help any way I can.”

“Thank you,” I say softly, meaning it.

Blaze studies my face before slowly saying, “I was just about to go and stretch my wings. It’s been too long since I’ve let my dragon loose. Would you…want to come?”

A huge smile takes over my face. “I would love to!”

Excitement drums through my veins. I am dying to see a real-life dragon!

“Let’s go before Aksel finds out and stops us.”

Again, not a joke but still funny.

I follow Blaze as he heads out the back door and pulls out a transporter charm.

“I only have one since I didn’t know you were coming, but it will be fine.”

He stiffly holds his arm out for me to step closer.

“Is there a way for it to take from me? I fed this morning and you’re about to shift,” I ask.

“The person holding the charm gets channeled, but no you can’t do it. I’ll be fine.”

Before I can protest, the world around me spins making my stomach lurch in protest before we are dropped in a wide-open field. There are huge oak trees as far as I can see.

“We are in the middle of the Canadian wilderness. It’s uninhabited so it can be used by supernaturals that are mythical creatures.”

It never occurred to me he has to remain hidden. Felix could shift and be mistaken for an actual snow leopard, Blaze couldn’t.

“I’m glad you have this place. How often do you need to shift?” I ask.

He starts stripping off his clothes, I turn my back and give him some privacy.

“If my dragon had his way, every day. Since that’s not possible, I can get by on once a month. Anything more than that and his fiery temper takes over.”


“You can watch the shift if you want. I’m starting now.”

I spin around to see his body start to transform. It doubles then triples in size until there is a massive dragon in front of me as big as a house.

He has blue and purple scales that shimmer down his body. The dragon dips his head towards me, blowing a puff of hot smoke at me.

“Aren’t you gorgeous,” I say.

He huffs again.

“I mean fierce and majestic.”

My body tumbles back as he nudges me with his nose. I carefully run my fingers against his scales, feeling the heat of his fire against my hand.

If I didn’t know for a fact that Blaze was in there controlling this dragon, I would have run for my life. But my trust in Blaze makes me brave.

The dragon leans back and spreads his wings, stretching them out before launching into the air. He flies in circles above me and I know he’s keeping me in his sight as he flies around.
