Page 59 of Deceived

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Felix extends his hand with the blood to Rion. “It’s okay. Thanks for saying no Rion. Sorry I freaked out on you, it wasn’t your fault. The idea made me a little crazy and I’m going to blame our new bond because I’m normally calmer than this.”

That makes me smile.

Rion reaches out and takes the cup, downing the entire thing in one gulp. He holds the cup upside down making sure he gets every last drop.

Immediately, his coloring gets better. When he opens his eyes, the color is less dull than before. The bright green shines back at me.

“Thank you,” he rasps.

“You’re welcome,” Felix responds.

“Get some sleep, Rion. We will have more blood for you soon,” I say.

Felix and I head upstairs.

“I’m waiting for Aksel to get home so I can confront him.”

Felix just sits down at the table.

I stay up all night pacing in the kitchen waiting for Aksel to come home. Just when I was slowly warming up to him, he pulls this.

The sun is coming up when Blaze comes downstairs. He stops in his tracks when he sees the two of us down here.

“What’s going on?”

“Waiting for Aksel and Griffyn to get back home,” Felix answers.

I hear the garage open a minute before they come in the door. Both of them pull up short when they see us gathered.

“It’s early for a party,” Griffyn comments.

“Anna needs to talk to Aksel,” Felix says.

Aksel raises an eyebrow at me.

“How could you starve Rion? He’s not a criminal and you told me you were feeding him!”

All eyes turn to him.

“I didn’t lie, I was feeding him, just not blood. He didn’t need extra strength until we know for sure he can be trusted. I’m not going to apologize.”

“How could you decide that on your own? You’re hurting him!” I scream.

“Why do you care and how do you even know about this? Have you been talking to him again?” Aksel’s voice is hard as stone.

“Yes, and I care because he’s a victim of Killian just like I was. He was rescued by us just to be a victim again!”

Every word brings me a step closer until I’m yelling right in his face.

“He’s not a victim! He hurt you! He’s to blame for what happened to you and he should suffer for that! How could you possibly forgive him and stand up for him?”

I’ve never heard Aksel raise his voice like this. It’s passionate where normally he’s firm and controlled.

“Killian is to blame!”

“They both are. Killian might have been the one to change you but Rion brought him into your life. I refuse to be kind to someone who hurt you.”

He what? This is because of me?
