Page 69 of Deceived

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I didn’t even know this existed and now I’m surrounded by it in a dangerous situation.

Felix tightens his arm around me. “Don’t worry Anna, we will keep you safe. They’ll go inside and we can sneak out of here in no time.”

“Why are they growing it? They have to be planning something right?” Griffyn asks.

This is the most alive I’ve seen him since our fight.

“Why would they want to harm fellow demons?” I ask.

“It doesn’t make sense,” Blaze agrees.

He walks over to the shelves full of jars and examines them.

“These jars are full of it,” he says, confirming my fears.

Twenty One


My mate and I are trapped in a cellar full of wev.

I have to keep my cool. I can only keep her safe if I’m smart and don’t freak out.

Being this close to so much of it is terror-inducing.

Anna is only slightly calm because she doesn’t understand the true extent of how dangerous this stuff is. She’s trying to process it but I can tell it’s not sinking in.

Griffyn is a fully trained agent, ready to deal with any situation and even he looks like he might pass out, he’s so pale.

“Felix, go listen near the door and see if you can hear their movements. If they are inside, we should use this chance to escape,” Aksel says.

I squeeze Anna before stepping away from her, even though it’s the last thing I want to do.

“We can’t leave this here. We need to destroy it all,” Anna says.

I love her fiery passion.

“If we do that, they’ll just grow more. We need to turn them in so they’re locked up for life,” Aksel counters.

I hate the idea of leaving this much poison to my mate out in the world, but he’s right, they’ll just make more and be sneakier about it.

“Can you arrest them?” Anna asks.

I wish it was that simple.

“If we were here on a sanctioned mission, maybe. As it is, we will have a hard time explaining this information without being thrown off our current case.”

“Fucking hell! Why is everything so complicated!” Anna throws her hands up in the air.

I slip my phone out and text my buddy, Brian, hoping there’s enough service down here for it to go through.

“I don’t hear them,” I tell the others.

Everyone comes closer, taking their moment to listen, but there is no noise above us, not a voice or footsteps.

“Then we go, slowly and quietly. If we can get past the border of the property, we can transport out of here,” Aksel says.

I go first up the steps, as quietly as possible. The steps squeak and groan as I go but I don’t think it’s loud enough to be heard from the main house.
