Page 71 of Deceived

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Looking around, I see the rest of his team restraining any of the demons who are left.

“Thanks, man, I owe you one.” My voice sounds weak.

I press my hand to the stab wound and staunch the flow.

Brian smiles. “You really do Felix. I’ll take payment in the form of drinks at the bar.”

“What the hell were you thinking calling in another team?” Aksel shouts at me.

Brian rolls his eyes but leaves me to deal with the angry dickhead.

My head is spinning.

I face off against him. “I was thinking, someone needed to bust these people and we don’t have authorization to be here. Anna sure as hell doesn’t. We needed someone we trust to come and help us deal with this situation. Brian is the head of his team which deals with drug busts. He would have a reason to be here and I trust him not to rat us out and turn us in.”

Anna rushes over to me, checking over every inch of my body. I wince when she prods the bullet wound. She screeches when she finds the stab wound.

“Stop fighting! Felix needs to be healed! He’s losing too much blood and doesn’t need to deal with this right now, Aksel. He saved our ass!” Anna shouts.

She puts pressure on my stomach and thigh, but even I can tell it’s not enough. Blood is seeping through her fingers.

“Here let me help. I’m Otto,” one of Brian’s teammates comes over and rests hands on my arm.

I can feel his magic rush through my system, but it doesn’t heal me as quickly as it should.

“Something was on their weapons. The bullet is still in me and it forced me back to human form.” I fall to my knees as my legs give out.

Anna rushes to help me lie down on my back.

“We need to dig the bullet out,” Otto says.

“Why have we had to dig so many magical bullets out lately,” Anna says. She aims for lighthearted but the tears in her eyes as she looks down at me ruin it.

“I’ll be fine Kitten. Stop looking at me like that.”

I’m not sure the words are true, but I’m going to will it to be. I just got her, I can’t leave this world now.

I make eye contact with Griffyn and nod to Anna. I don’t care that they’re fighting, she needs support.

Griffyn is hesitant as he wraps an arm around Anna but she burrows her face into his chest immediately.

I can hear the stupid bitch Garmenta woman screeching about having us all ruined from here, ruining the moment for me.

“This is going to hurt,” Otto says.

He digs his fingers into the bullet wound and fucking hell does it hurt. A searing, burning pain spreads through my entire thigh as he digs for it. It feels like he’s taking his sweet time as I scream out to the heavens.

Blood is pouring from my wounds, covering the ground in it. My eyes close as I start to lose consciousness, the darkness spreading across my vision.

I’m just aware enough to know when he finally pulls it free and immediately starts pumping me with healing magic. It still takes longer than it should, but eventually, he gets me out of a critical state and I can open my eyes. I see Anna bawling her eyes out while she stares at me like her world stops and ends with me.

“He’ll live. It took all my magic to get him to this state. Their weapons must have had wolfsbane on them, his body was so poisoned by it,” Otto tells Anna.

She nods, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

“They had wolfsbane for their weapons and wev in the cellar. Why do they have access to so many species’ poisons?” Griffyn asks.

“I don’t know, but we will find out. I’m glad you brought me in on this, even if it was just to cover your asses for an unsanctioned mission,” Brian says.
