Page 82 of Deceived

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“Anna, you and Griffyn need to talk before we go to this fight. He’s been starving himself and is practically useless. Not to mention your inability to work together could have been an issue when we went to the Garmenta’s house.”

I grip the edge of the table.

“Stay out of it,” I snap.

Griffyn is just standing there staring at me.

“I would, except this impacts the team.”

“You and I don’t get along and you don’t try and fix that,” I say.

Aksel looks at me like I’m dense. “That has never interfered with our mission. Go talk.”

I keep glaring at him.

“Do it for Blaze, he needs us,” Aksel says.

Damn him. I look over at Blaze and see his signature stony expression. The more I get to know him, the more I can see signs of his stress in the lines under his eyes.

I’ll do this for him.

I sigh and stand up from the table, gesturing for Griffyn to follow me up into my room.

“Let’s get this over with. We need to be able to work together so let’s just agree to get along when it comes down to it,” I say sharply.

Griffyn hesitates before saying, “Can we talk for real?”

I take a deep breath.

“Please, Anna, it’s important.”

“Fine. Let’s hear it,” I say.

His gait is awkward and not as smooth as normal as he moves closer to me. He looks broken and dejected.

He wrings his hands, lifts his gaze, and strikes me with determined eyes.

“Anna I am so fucking sorry. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. I’m not good enough for you. Everything about you is out of my league. You saw how they treated me at the ball. The supernatural community looks at me like a personal sex doll designed for their pleasure. Even though I spent years working my way up to the Alpha Team and showing my worth, I never felt like it was true until you. You showed me I was worth something. I didn’t tell you because I thought you would reject me until I showed you I was worth something. Originally, I planned to do that through pleasure, but it became so much more. I didn’t want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. My fucking insecurities got in the way.”

My heart shatters. That’s why he didn’t tell me?

“So you led our relationship with sex because you thought it would make me like you? Griffyn, I liked you from the first second I met you. You were cute and flirty. I immediately knew you were trouble which is why I didn’t engage.”

He laughs softly.

“I couldn’t believe my charms weren’t working on the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.”

“Trust me, they were working. I had to hide from those charms since I knew they were dangerous. Griffyn, I hate that you lied but I hate that you felt this way even more.”

I hold a hand out to him and he jumps at the opportunity, perching on the edge of the bed and taking it.

“Anna, my life has never been great until I met you. I would do anything to keep you in it.”

I can’t stay mad at him. He’s been like a kicked puppy since I found out, always trying to make it up to me. He didn’t want to hurt or betray me, he wanted me to accept him. With everything I know about Griffyn, that makes sense.

I lean forward and kiss him. His mouth is on mine, parting my lips as his tongue licks into me.

“Are you sure?” He pulls back and whispers.
