Page 11 of Embraced

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When I’m on the edge of consciousness I feel the bed dip behind me and know Felix has joined us.



The next morning, we transport to Ireland based on what Rion knows. Instead of a mansion, this is a castle. It’s still extravagant and modern but it looks like a tourist destination here in Ireland.

“I’ve never been to Ireland,” I say.

Rion steps closer to me. “You’ll be back again for a better trip. Not one dictated by Killian.”

His Irish accent is already stronger. Just being in his homeland brings it out.

“Do you know anything about this place beyond its location?” Felix asks as he examines our surroundings.

“This was my home but I have no way of knowing how much it has changed in the last three thousand years.”

My heart breaks for him. I grab his hand and squeeze it.

We all move forward while under the cover of darkness before sunrise. I’m dressed in the same tactical gear Aksel gave me for our last mission even though we are considering this only a scouting mission. We need to gather information to help us plan our attack for the future.

Immediately, this house seems different. There’s a sense of foreboding in the air as we move closer.

There’s a sharp crack as Blaze’s body jolts against nothing.

Blaze curses up a storm. His words are muffled around his broken nose that’s crooked and dripping blood.

“What the fuck?” Griffyn presses a hand out into the air and presses against something we can’t see.

“There’s some kind of wall here.” Aksel knocks against it.

I move forward carefully and feel it for myself. It truly is an invisible wall that feels impenetrable. A mime would have a field day with this.

“He has shields around this property. There haven’t been shields anywhere else,” Felix says.

Blaze swipes at the blood pouring from his nose.

“This is old magic, it is almost impossible to find someone strong enough to do this anymore,” Aksel says.

“He could have had it done centuries ago. This was my home when I was young. He has had forever to fortify this place into a fortress,” Rion reminds us.

Every step forward is two steps back.

“Why wouldn’t he always stay here? It doesn’t make sense that he imprisoned mages and took their homes when he already had the perfect place,” I ask.

“You’re right it doesn’t make sense. There had to be a good reason beyond needing protection.” Aksel feels along the wall but doesn’t find a break. “Let’s split up into two groups and follow the wall around until we meet up on the other side. Gather as much intel as you can even from this distance. Once we find a way to break this wall, we are going in.”

Rion, Felix, and I go one way, breaking apart from the others. It’s impossible to see more than the outside of the castle as we go. If there are more protections in place, we can’t find them.

Everyone looks furious and frustrated when we meet back up.

“We just can’t seem to gain any ground,” I say softly.

Sighs chime around me.

“Let’s get out of here. We can’t get inside right now but we are going to find a way,” Aksel declares.

“It won’t be long now until we have Killian. I can feel it,” Felix says.
