Page 110 of Embraced

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“I don’t know.”

He doesn’t know the name of the shop that he gets his drugs from. Which means magic is involved.

“Do you have traps we need to know about that put any of us in danger?”

“No. I only had the gun.”

“Then it’s time to lock you up and throw away the key,” Felix says breaking the compulsion.

Jess bellows, “What are you talking about? You promised me venom! I need your bite.”

Time to correct him.

“I promised you would get what you deserve and you deserve to be locked up for everything you’ve done. You need to detox from venom and stay far, far away from me.”

His eyes get even wider.

“Is there any trial?” I ask my guys.

“We have all the proof we need and I’m a councilman now. The justice system isn’t necessarily fair for humans but in this case, it means he can be locked up immediately,” Aksel says.

“Wait here and we will be right back. We can go home together,” Felix says.

Felix and Blaze grab him and transport him away from here to bring Jess to lock up.

And I say goodbye to this burden, forever.

Thirty Six


I rushed back when they told me they caught the stalker. Some things are more important but I know I’m going to have to face the consequences.

Felix and I drop this scumbag off at the processing center where he will be locked up and forced through a detox.

It’s better than he deserves. That’s for sure.

The others are waiting for us and we all drive back to the house.

I check my phone. No messages and it’s too late for me to go back now.

I keep my phone on vibrate but hold it tight in my hand. As soon as the message comes in, I need to see it.

Aksel drives up to the house but stops short at what he sees.


He parks the car down the street and we all file out.

The lights are on in the house and I can see shadows through the window.

There are people inside.

I am so fucking fucked.

“What now?” Felix groans softly.

There’s silence as we move back away from the house and out of sight.
