Page 111 of Embraced

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“You guys should go. I will deal with this,” I say.

Predictably, they don’t go along with that.

“Are you insane? We are all dealing with this together,” Anna demands.

I sigh. I think it’s time to come clean.

Is Anna still going to want me after I do?

I don’t face them when I say, “I skipped a fight tonight because of our lead and now they’re here to collect.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Aksel snarls.

He’s furious. I can smell it all over him.

“Blaze?” Anna’s voice is soft and compassionate.

It feels like I’m vulnerable right now.

I stay silent.

“Is that where you’ve been sneaking out to? Why is it a big deal if you’ve been fighting Blaze?” Anna asks.

It wouldn’t be if it was for normal people.

“They did me a favor which means they own me for as long as it takes to pay it off. I didn’t come when called. Just let them enact their revenge and it will be over,” I say softly.

“What the fuck?” Felix growls.

“If you think I’m going to stand by while these goons hurt you then you are dead fucking wrong,” Anna snarls.

I fucking love her fire. She’s too good for me.

I don’t even turn to look at her.

“You’re right Spark, you aren’t staying. None of you are. Guys, get her out of here.”

No one fucking moves.

“Thank fuck none of you moved one fucking inch because if you tried to drag me away right now I would start cutting off balls,” Anna says.

“We aren’t leaving you, Blaze. We are a team and no one gets to hurt you,” Griffyn steps forward and rests a hand on my shoulder.

I don’t shrug him off but I do try to absorb some strength from him.

“If we fight them, there will be consequences,” I say around the lump in my throat.

“Whatever trouble you’ve gotten yourself into, we will get you out. Together. Tell us what we are dealing with,” Aksel declares.

So I tell them. “My original captors weren’t who I got the weaver from. They would never help me. It’s the people who I went to next. They weren’t much better. The only difference is that I wasn’t a prisoner locked up with them. I was a fighter paying off my debt for them to help me escape.

They made that debt last as long as they could, keeping me with them for another five years. I needed the weaver to remove the spells placed on me by my captors. That’s how I knew they had access to one.”

“So you fought that night as payment for the weaver?” Felix asks.

I nod. “I knew I would be creating another debt and they would ensure I paid it. I have to keep fighting. I don’t have an option or they’ll come for all of us. Our refusal to let them punish me for missing a fight is only going to cause problems for us. They won’t be letting that go any time soon.”

Anna steps up and wraps her arms around me from behind. “We are a family Blaze. We stick together. We will get out of this.”

“Okay,” I choke out softly, sounding so tired and lost.

I guess we are doing this then. This is truly terrifying.

I don’t think I’m worth what is to come.

* * *
