Page 91 of Embraced

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“Yes, it reminded me why I loved it. I’m excited to be doing it so thank you both so much.”

Rion looks ecstatic and Aksel is smiling.

“You’re welcome,” they both say.

I press a kiss to both of their cheeks in thanks before sneaking upstairs with Felix and Griffyn so they can keep their promise.



The group of us are all relaxing in the living room and watching the camera feeds. There still hasn’t been anything helpful on them.

My phone rings, drawing everyone’s attention.

“It’s Aly.” I pick up the call. “Hey!”

“Hey Anna, your, uh, mom is here,” Aly says down the line.

“My mom?” I ask.

“She said she came to see you since you haven’t been answering her calls but when she got to the apartment no one was home. So, she came here to see if I knew where you were.”

“What do I do, Aly? She doesn’t know I’m a vampire or that I have multiple mates. We haven’t talked since right after I was changed. It was too hard to feel that link to a life I wasn’t connected to,” I tell her honestly.

“Anna, your mom loves you and will accept you no matter what. You could even tell her you’re a vampire if you wanted to but first, you should just see her and spend time together.”

“I guess.”

“Plus, she’s already here and at my house so you don’t have much of a choice left.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course she just showed up here. If someone isn’t answering your calls that probably means they are busy.”

“I don’t think she thinks that way. I’ll see you soon.”

I hang up and realize the guys are all staring at me.

“Your mom is here? Please can we meet her? You don’t even have to explain that we are all together but introduce us?” Felix begs.

My stomach cramps with indecision. There is already a lot going on with seeing her for the first time after being changed. She is going to be suspicious but I’m not going to spend my entire life without her knowing my mates, even if she won’t know about the mate part.

There’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing so I don’t need to feel embarrassed or unsure. I’m in a loving relationship and she will need to accept that.

“Yes, any of you who want to come, can. I won’t make any of you sit through what will probably be an awkward few hours but you’re all welcome.”

“Yes!” Felix shouts.

His excitement about meeting my mom is adorable and melts some of the tension.

Griffyn looks like he’s going to puke. Aksel and Blaze are sitting there stoic.

“Do you think she’ll remember me?” Rion asks nervously.

All eyes shoot to him.

“She knows you?” Aksel shouts.

“You’ve already met her?” Felix whines.
