Page 22 of Pure Evil

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I’m mildly interested in her response, although I can already guess the answer.

“You interest me, Killian.”

“Interest you.” It makes me smile because this is refreshing. I like that she isn’t afraid when she should be. If she realized what I was capable of, I’m convinced she would look at me very differently.

“In what way?”

“I have never met a man like you before.”

“And you have met many men in your life.”

I doubt it, and she nods. “Not really, but the ones I am used to aren’t worth my interest.”

“Why not?”

“Because they don’t see past their own needs and believe women are there purely to serve them.”

“What makes you think I’m different?”

“I don’t.” She shrugs and takes a sip of wine, and grimaces.

“This stuff is disgusting.”

She grabs the water and I think of the price of this wine, and it makes me raise my eyes. “Disgusting?”

“I prefer water. It’s what I’m used to.”

“So, you don’t drink alcohol.”

“No. I was never allowed.”

“What else weren’t you allowed?”

“Freedom.” She says it with no emotion and her answer only reinforces how perfect she is for me because freedom won’t be something she enjoys with me, so she won’t miss it.

“Freedom is overrated.”

“Says the man who has his freedom.”

“You think I am free.”

“From where I am sitting you are.”

“Then you know nothing, Purity.”

“I know my own mind. They can’t take that from me.”

As I glance her way, she stares at me with an honest expression, and I have an overwhelming urge to keep her. The thought of her enjoying her freedom is not a pleasant one because a woman like Purity wouldn’t last five minutes in the world I live in.

I remind her of that by saying cruelly. “Your desire for freedom nearly backfired on you. There are unscrupulous people who trade on women like you. I hope you’re aware of that.”

“Women like me.” She cocks her head to one side and fixes me with her astonishing eyes.

“Innocent. Naive and foolish.”

“You don’t have a high opinion of me, Killian. Or is that women in general?”

It makes me laugh out loud, and she stares in surprise. “That made you laugh. Why?”
