Page 36 of Pure Evil

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“Marriage is nothing like the one your parents enjoyed.”

“How do you know? You’ve never met them and have never been married before.” I say bravely, or some may say, foolishly.

His face twists into an amused grin, and he nods, reaching for my hand and holding it carefully, as if it’s a butterfly who has injured its wing. He raises it to his lips and kisses it softly and I swear I melt inside.

“Marriage to me will be like no other. There is no set of rules, nothing to compare it to because we are writing our own script. You are naive, but not stupid. I like that. You are weak, yet stronger than most women I’ve ever met. I like that too. Your beauty is unsurpassed, and we will fit well together. You have many qualities I admire, and I expressly like your enquiring mind. I am different to any man you will ever meet and any in your future. Marriage to me will be a journey of exploration and excitement. We will share many things and not all of them will make you feel comfortable. But I promise you will live to the extreme. To explore the world and enjoy the best of what it offers. I will be loyal and expect the same in return. That is why I am taking your training seriously because if we are going to make this work, we must become the perfect machine, working effortlessly to stand any chance of a long and happy life together.”

The glittering eyes that stare at me have trapped my soul. I am falling with no safety net because he is saying everything I burn to hear. He is speaking to my innermost desires and promising they will be heard and there is nothing I don’t like about this man except his cold indifference sometimes. Then he does something that sparks that indifference into a deep emotion that sucks me in and draws me deeper under his spell.

Since the moment I met Killian Vieri, it’s as if I’m struggling to breathe and for a girl who has seen and experienced so little, it’s intoxicating, devastating and too good to be true.

* * *

The car pulls to a stop,and he smiles, a dark edge to it that tells me I’m about to unwrap a little more of his soul tonight. I am interested in watching him interact with this man he seeks to do business with. I heard the conversation; I realize this isn’t a double date in the usual sense and I’m excited about that.

Most of my life has been spent in the shadows, listening to conversations I shouldn’t. It’s how I learned that life in Heaven was different from the huge world outside. My father conducted many business conversations on behalf of Reverend Peters, and I realize those meetings weren’t strictly what God would have approved of.

It fired up my curiosity and made me long to discover those secrets for myself and tonight will be an education that has been a long time coming.



Purity is quiet beside me and as she holds onto my arm, I know it’s because of the heels she is wearing, and it makes me smile. She is trying so hard to walk normally, however, she stumbles a little as we head toward the door of the restaurant when a flash of light from the waiting crowd disturbs us. There are many paparazzi that hang around the Dining Room, hopeful of getting their picture on the web and this one will be eagerly sold because of her.

Purity is an enigma, the unknown and the fact she is on my arm will cause fruitless investigation. She is a woman with no past, my own beautiful secret and so I whisper, “Stand up straight, Bella. Act as if you belong here.”

Her astonishing eyes gaze at me with an innocence that disturbs the beast inside me. When she peers at me with those trusting eyes, I want to tear off her clothes and bury myself deep inside her innocence. I want to ruin, to corrupt and to explore and I have never in my entire life felt so passionately about a woman as I do her.

She nods and the tentative smile on her face does something to me inside. It’s as if I hold the most treasured secret in my hand that only I know about. It makes me possessive and desperate to protect and so I grip her hand and squeeze it reassuringly, gazing into her eyes with a softer look than normal and leaning down, kiss her lips in full view of the waiting paps.

The explosion of light around us tells me this is the photograph that will make their evening a successful one. It is one of a kind, just like her and as I pull back, I drown in the lust sparkling in her eyes and the smile of happiness on her face. It appears a little affection is all it takes to bring her back in line, which is yet another weapon to store in my arsenal against her.

We head inside and she wobbles beside me, the concentration on her face adorable. The head waiter bows reverently and says respectfully. “Welcome, sir, ma’am. Your table is ready, and your guests have arrived.”

“Thank you.” I say politely and as we follow him I believe every pair of eyes in the extremely crowded restaurant turn to watch our progress. A couple at the nearest table stare in awe and I’m pleased to note it’s not directed at me. It’s Purity. She walks as if a light has entered the building. She virtually shines beside me, from her astonishing white hair to her stunning eyes. An enviable slender figure that isn’t the result of a fitness regime and a diet of salad leaves, but the beautiful creation of mother nature at her finest.

The diamonds that sparkle at her throat dazzle and I glare at the men who openly stare at my woman. I am a possessive bastard over my things, not usually women though, which is curious in itself.

Gripping her hand a little tighter, we make our way to the best table in the house and I see Jefferson Stevenson stand to attention along with Gina Di Angelo, a woman I have enjoyed the company of myself in the past. It didn’t take much to bring her onto the payroll, and the look in her eyes as she fastens her seductive gaze on me is one of longing that will never be returned.

Jefferson is already nervous. I can tell by the wild expression in his eye and the sweat beading on his brow. He holds out his hand, which I studiously ignore because grasping a sweaty palm before I eat is not good for my health.

Purity is completely overwhelmed, and I nudge her as Jefferson turns to her and stares in awe. I dive straight in with the introduction and say deeply, “Good evening, Jefferson, Gina. May I introduce my fiancée, Purity?”

Gina’s eyes widen in shock and Jefferson stares as if he’s witnessing a living miracle and yet he recovers quickly and says nervously, “Congratulations. I didn’t know.”

I shrug, guiding Purity into the chair beside me and draping my arm along the back of her chair.

“Nobody does. It was agreed earlier today.”

“Agreed.” Gina stares at Purity with a mixture of concern and envy.

Purity smiles and I love that her voice holds none of the nerves she has inside as she says pleasantly, “Yes. Killian asked me to marry him, and I accepted, of course.”

She turns and smiles at me with so much adoration it catches me off guard a little.

“I am so happy. We are so happy; it’s a dream come true.”
