Page 37 of Pure Evil

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I reach for her hand and raise it to my lips, kissing it softly while staring into her eyes the entire time, causing the desire to deepen in hers, leaving our guests in no doubt at all about our feelings for one another.

“I’m shocked.” Gina says, breaking the spell. “I thought you were the eternal bachelor, Killian. You have surprised me.”

I shrug and turn my attention back to my guests and note the bitter expression of jealously on Gina’s face.

We are interrupted as the waiter arrives and pours us each a glass of the finest champagne that I pre-ordered and I sense Purity stiffen beside me as he fills her glass to the brim.

I nudge her leg with my knee and as I raise my glass, she follows my lead. “To a long and happy marriage.” I say, touching her glass with mine and as our guests echo the toast, I love the way she takes a deep breath and then holds it as she attempts to enjoy the bubbles that pour down her throat.

I field the inconsequential conversation as we sample the food, preferring instead to watch Purity’s reaction to cuisine she will never have experienced before.

Oysters dressed in champagne almost cause her to gag, yet she hides it perfectly behind the starched white napkin that protects her naivety from our guests. Her eyes water when she is faced with the rare steak before her, the meat barely touching the flame.

As she eats, I can tell she is struggling to swallow, and she shifts nervously in her seat as she tries to remain interested in the conversation.

Gina steals many glances her way and I can tell she is curious. However, Purity doesn’t notice them, or doesn’t care. She is more concerned about getting through the meal and, to her credit, she eats every last morsel on her plate, including the garnish.

Gina is mesmerized and says with respect, “You must have been hungry, Purity. Hasn’t Killian been feeding you?”

Purity nods, setting her cutlery together on the plate in a show of good table manners, and smiles at Gina.

“He has, very well in fact, but it hasn’t involved a lot of food.”

Jefferson disguises a chuckle as Gina stares at her in shock and I don’t know who is more surprised at this table as Purity turns to me and says with a wicked smile, “I’ve built up quite the appetite today and I have this man to thank for that.”

She fixes me with a sexy smile, and I swear I am rock hard right now. Then she says politely, “If you will excuse me, I need to use the restroom.”

She makes to stand, and, in a flash, I push back my seat and make to help her and hate that Gina is quicker as she says loudly, “Good idea. I’ll come with you.”

I can’t even argue because I have never accompanied a woman to the rest room in my life–ever, but I want to now. I want to lock the door and bury myself deep inside this woman who ticks every box I ever owned, but I realize when I am beaten, so I drop a light kiss on her lips instead and whisper, “Don’t be long.”

She pushes me away and turns to Gina with a brilliant smile. “Shall we?”

I watch them go with a sense of helplessness that angers me. Why do I care if Purity uses the bathroom? It’s what women do several times of an evening but as she walks away, I have an overwhelming urge to follow her.

Jefferson distracts my attention with a low, “I can see why you moved fast. She is adorable. Where did you meet?”

The fuck I’m going to discuss my private life with this weasel, so I sit and ignore the question completely and snap. “Let’s get to business.”

It has the desired effect, and his earlier unease returns as I fix him with a deepening scowl.

“You requested a meeting. I’m listening.”

He shifts nervously in his seat, which angers me a little because it shows his weakness.

Jefferson Stevenson is a privileged frat boy who has been cushioned and funded his entire life by his father, Judge Stevenson. The best schools, the finest living and now a position in chambers, courtesy of his father’s connections. The fuck I understand a man like him, let alone want to do business, but I am mindful of my instructions, and this is just one of the first of many meetings like this.

“I believe we could work together and forge a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

He says in a low voice to hide our conversation from eager ears.

“How?” I shrug as I lift my glass and he says, leaning forward. “We both know our families has enjoyed a mutual connection over the years. Their time is ending and we, as the next generation, will be taking the baton. I will rise to become the most respected Judge in the country, just like my father and can offer you many, um, favors should the need arise.”

“I repeat my question. Why?”

I fix him with a dark glare, causing him to wince visibly when I say dismissively.

“I have no reason for favors. I operate inside the law and make my own luck. I don’t require your help because we both know nothing is for free in this life.”
