Page 4 of Pure Evil

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Her crumpled card lies hot in my palm, the creases disguising the address printed on it. I have memorized the place she told me to call on for help. It was my only hope of life away from the hell I was heading toward.

As soon as the chance presented itself, I snatched it eagerly and now I’m standing before my destiny, uncertain if I should proceed any further.

The sounds surrounding me are alien. Loud noises coming from the building works nearby. The screech of tires on the dirty road and the chatter of passers-by as they hurry to get to their destination. An aircraft adds to the confusion and the blare of music from a passing car is gone as quickly as it came.

I shiver as I stand on the sidewalk, gazing up at the steel and mirrors hiding a world of possibilities.

I stumble as somebody pushes past me and feel a faint tug on the strap of my purse. I react without thinking and turn my arm, ready to defend my property from an assailant.

“Excuse me, ma’am.”

A woman murmurs apologetically as she removes her shopping bags from my side and I smile.

“It’s fine.”

She nods and hurries away and I take a deep breath as I admonish myself for believing everything is a threat in this hostile environment.

I suppose I am so out of my comfort zone rational thought has been left behind because I am so freaking scared right now, but the pull of a better life is hard to ignore.

Mustering courage from somewhere, I take a deep breath and head through the revolving doors of a building I never really believed I’d witness first-hand.

The interior is even more impressive than the outside, and I stare in awe at a space that is completely alien to me. The marble floor appears endless and the black leather couches set around a huge glass table make me blink at the decadence of this place.

Huge arrangements of interesting flowers dominate with color and the glass and mirrors set all around me create the illusion of more space that is definitely not needed. I gaze in awe as crowds of people rush toward huge glass elevators that make me gawp in amazement as they lift their passengers to the heavens, and I gulp as I stare at a scene I never really expected existed.

“Ma’am.” A uniformed man approaches, and I grip the card in my hand a little tighter as he gazes the length of me, his expression confirming he is less than impressed by what he sees.

“May I be of assistance?”

I can tell he is already preparing to dismiss me to the street outside and so I paste an imperious expression on my face and stand a little straighter, wishing the plain navy cotton dress I’m wearing was even halfway a match for the outfits surrounding me now.

“I’m here to meet with Gabriella Sinclair.”

My voice wobbles a little and I curse it under my breath.

“Is she expecting you?” He raises his eyes and I say politely, “She is.”

He nods and points to a gleaming marble counter that is set against a wall of mirrors.

“Check in at reception.”

He turns away, dismissing me already, and I take a deep breath of relief, thankful I’m not tasting the air outside. The first hurdle has been cleared, however, the next may not be as easy.

As I head toward the counter, the dismissive gaze of the woman watching me makes me stand straighter and grit my teeth. I never thought these people would be so cold and yet a lifetime of treatment just like this, causes me to brush it off with disdain.

“Good morning.” She smiles as I approach, her insanely white teeth causing me to run my tongue against my own, wondering what it takes to have a smile as bright as hers.

“I’m here to meet with Gabriella Sinclair.”

I repeat my sentence and watch as she raises a perfectly drawn eyebrow in apparent confusion.

She glances at her computer screen and says with a smile. “Do you have an appointment?”

“I do.” I brazen it out because I may have been told to come here, but it wasn’t with a firm date or time in mind.

“May I have your name?”

“Purity Sanders.” I say abruptly, and she glances at the screen.
