Page 61 of Pure Evil

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I could dance with her all night and then Serena ruins it by cutting in and I reluctantly surrender Purity into my brother’s arms.

It fills me with a strange jealously when she laughs at something he says and following my eyes, Serena teases, “You love her.”

“You’ve had too much to drink.”

I dismiss her words with the contempt they deserve.

She throws her head back and laughs softly and follows my gaze that is locked on my wife, giggling at something my nearly dead brother is saying to her.

“I’m not surprised.”

Serena just won’t give it up.

“She is a beautiful spirit, inside and out. Unspoilt and genuine. Nothing like the mannequins you usually have hanging on your arm.”

“She’s a business decision. Nothing more.”

Serena hisses, “Wake the fuck up, Kill and stare at the treasure you’ve got in your hand. Don’t be a bastard and treat her like you do all the rest. She is the best thing that has ever happened to you and even if you won’t admit that, I can see it. Nonna can see it, and even Grandpa can see it. Shade is doubtful, but then he’s as big an asshole as you are.”

It makes me smile because Serena has spent a lifetime calling us out on our failings and I’m almost amused they have been analyzing the situation.

However, I brush her words aside and stare once again at my beautiful wife and say with a sense of pride. “I am happy with her. Will that satisfy your romantic foolery?”

“It’s a start, I suppose.”

Serena lowers her voice. “Have you seen Benito since he was banished?”

The fact we call our parents by their first names tells me we don’t consider them worthy of their true titles.

“No. Why would I?” I shrug as we move around the dancefloor in a way that has my eyes permanently trained on my bride and brother.

“Me neither and Shade says he wouldn’t care if he never saw him again. A little harsh, but I kind of understand why.”

She sighs and whispers, “I’m going to Australia next month to visit mom. Grandfather and nonna gave me their blessing and said I could only go for three weeks.”

“Why do you even want to?” I shrug, not really understanding her reason, and she says crossly, “Because a girl needs her mom, Killian. Nonna is amazing, but I kind of miss mom.”

“She has no right being missed by you. She never considered that when she ran off with Stoner.”

“I know, well… but…” I look down at her because Serena never falters. She always has too much to say for that and she blinks away the tears and says brightly, “I’m just being silly.”

She takes a deep breath and smiles sadly. “It’s, well, sometimes I am so lonely. It’s hard being protected, you know. I want a little freedom while I can get it.”

“You are protected for a very good reason, Serena. Surely you understand that.”

“I guess. It’s just a little too much sometimes. I’m hoping that you secure our position while I’m away, and when I return, I’ll have a little more freedom.”

“We’ll see.”

I turn my attention back to Purity and as I catch her eye, she smiles at me so sweetly from across the room I am struggling to breathe. I can’t deny how much I am attracted to her, but I hate seeing her dancing in another man’s arms, despite the fact it’s only my brother who I trust with my life. However, I’m fast realizing that despite that trust, I really don’t trust him with my wife.



This island is magical. I am living the dream and Killian’s family is lovely. They have been so welcoming, and yet when I steal hidden glances at my husband, I have to pinch myself. He is so attractive and so sexy, I can’t breathe. He stands like a king among his subjects and there is an aura surrounding him of power and influence.

Those smoldering dark eyes that stare at me with heated lust take my breath away. The dark stubble on his jaw is devastatingly sexy and his sharp suits and immaculate appearance adds to the mystery. But it’s those eyes. Those turbulent, stormy eyes that tear my heart apart and leave it bleeding on open ground. I want to unlock those secrets so badly and I have a lifetime to pick the lock.
