Page 8 of Pure Evil

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“Does your father know you’re here?”

Miss. Sinclair says quickly, and the fear strikes me deep as I say in a rush, “No. I, um…”

I falter, and she laughs softly. “Say no more. This will be our secret, Purity.”

She nods toward the elevators. “Come with me. I’ll take care of it. I have just the job in mind for you.”

My heart sags with relief because I knew I was right. From the moment I first met Miss. Sinclair, her kind smile told me I would be safe with her. Now she will set me on my future path that is heading in the opposite direction to Heaven, and I feel the excitement stirring as I contemplate a brave new world opening up before me.

We join several other people in the elevator, and they stare at me with a curiosity I throw right back at them. They intrigue me because I have never met people like this. My life was sheltered, controlled, and dictated by my parents and the only friends I had were ones I snuck out to see. I never really knew that a world like this existed outside my own and as I drown in the euphoria my escape created, I am excited for what lies ahead.

Our journey up is obviously further than most because the elevator empties the higher we go. I stare around in amazement as I spy the diminishing ground beneath us through the glass walls of the elevator. I have seen things like this in the movies I watched in secret, which told me there was more out there than my parents had me believe. Now I’m living the dream because I made it, and Miss. Sinclair is the angel God sent to help me escape a fate worse than death.

We reach our stop and as we step into a hallway, my heart is banging so hard I’m sure she can hear it. You would never know because she has ceased to make conversation and is more interested in her phone and so I follow her to a huge office at the end of the corridor and hover nervously by the open door.

“Take a seat outside, Purity, and wait. I won’t be long.”

She says dismissively and I nod as I step back into the outer office and perch nervously on the edge of the chair set by the wall.

There are a few people working who glance at me with interest and then return to their computer screens and start tapping away, making me wonder if I’ll work here. I’m not sure what I can do that I’m qualified for because I wouldn’t know how to operate a computer if I tried. Such things weren’t available to the women of Heaven, only the men, and despite trying hard to make it work when my father was out, I never managed to see what all the fuss was about.

As I wait, I shift nervously on my seat, wondering what happens now because this is my one shot at a future of my own choosing. If it doesn’t work out, I have one number to call. The last resort I suppose which would take me to stay with the only friend I have who also escaped from her childhood home. Faith is the one person standing between me and Heaven and if this dream turns to dust, at least I can rely on her to help me.

So, I wait for my life to get interesting and as the clock ticks the seconds past, it soon becomes apparent that I’m in for a longer wait than I first thought.



The door opens and Saint heads inside.

“Purity Sanders.”

“You’re kidding me. Really, that’s her name?”

He nods and I shake my head at the twinkle in his eye.

“Interesting.” A wry smile touches my lips because what are the odds? Purity.

Saint carries on. “She turned up with Gabriella’s card in her hand and told Yvonne she had an appointment. She didn’t.”

“And…” I fix him with a calculated look, and he shrugs. “It’s not uncommon. Gabriella hands out business cards like confetti to pretty girls. Occasionally, they come on the promise of a job and end up working at one of the clubs. A pretty girl like that is probably heading that way or as an escort for some of the higher priced parties.”

“A whore.”

He nods and I think of the girl I saw sitting straight-backed and curious and, for some reason, the thought of her working at my clubs, providing entertainment for men with more money than conscience, leaves me cold.

Saint adds, “She said she came from Heaven.”

I raise my eyes and he grins. “That fucking weird-assed town Gabriella spoke about when she was sent there to meet the guy supplying the opium.”

“I remember.”

I cast my mind back to the place Gabriella told me gave her the creeps. It’s been a good source of opium for us over the years and there is never any drama or comeback. I’m guessing she took one look at Purity and sensed a different kind of business for the poor, unfortunate, delusional girl.

I glance at Saint, who is waiting for instruction and say gruffly, “Where is she now?”

“Waiting outside Gabriella’s office while she finds her a placement, no doubt.”
