Page 9 of Pure Evil

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“Bring her to me.”

Even I’m surprised at the words that made it out into the open, but Saint merely nods. “Of course, boss.”

He turns and I spin around and stare out through the clouds, down to the street below. I love this view. I am like a king up here and it’s my sanctuary. It’s the perfect place to interview an angel from Heaven and it makes me smile as I turn my attention to what the fuck I’m going to do with her.

This is a first for me. I have never been in this position before, and I expect it’s because of my grandfather. Shutting things down with Gabriella earlier was the start of that, and as I wait, an idea begins to form in my mind. I need to act fast. That’s obvious because the stakes are too high to ignore the consequences of inactivity. I’m known for dealing with problems and finding a satisfactory conclusion to them—for me, anyway.

My instructions were crystal clear. Clean up and paint a very different picture to the world of who I am. Be fucking Santa if I must and become a major benefactor to worthy charities, disguising the real motive behind my actions. I am set to become the most powerful businessman in the state, if not the country, and it begins today. The people I surround myself with must be loyal, beyond reproach and fucking saints if I want to polish my own halo and who better than an angel from Heaven to help me bring my enemies down.

I will dress my evil in purity and as luck would have it, she’s waiting downstairs and completely unaware of the turn her life is about to take.

* * *

A gentle knockon the door shifts my mood and as the door opens, Saint ushers the girl into the room. I take a closer look and assess her for the role I have assigned her and am pleased to note she will be perfect. It’s as if a breath of the purest air accompanies her as she heads into my office, showing none of the nerves I would expect from a woman in her position and those amazing eyes are focused on mine with innocence, an enquiring mind and nothing else.


I stand and extend my hand, pasting a warm smile on my face that causes Saint to smirk and lower his eyes to the floor with a wry twist to his lips. He is fully aware I can turn on the charm and disguise the devil that is fully in charge of my soul.

“Miss. Sanders. Welcome to Gold Hawk Enterprises.”

Her small hand rests in mine but is surprisingly strong as she shakes my hand and stares directly into my eyes with a sweet smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

She cocks her head to one side and peers at me with interest and as we shake hands, it’s as if I am holding a delicate flower in my iron grip. Soft hands with short fingernails and no polish, almost childlike and yet the woman staring at me is definitely no child.

I’m guessing she’s early twenties at the most, her youthful appearance mainly due to the fact she is bare of make-up and, quite frankly, she doesn’t need any. A blank canvas that is a masterpiece.

Her astonishing eyes give color to a pale complexion, a hint of pink dusting her cheeks put there by mother nature. Her soft pink lips hide an even set of white teeth with none of the cosmetic artistry of the dentist.

Purity indeed because this woman is just as nature intended, which suits me fine because I will mold her into my perfect woman and there is nothing she can do about that.

My Cinderella if you like. Pretty Woman if you want a more modern fairy tale. But I am no Prince Charming and no Richard Gere. I am pure evil, and I almost pity the angel who has fallen into my pit.

Reluctantly, I drop her hand and nod toward the chair set before my desk.

“Please take a seat, Miss. Sanders.”

She drops with ease into it and sits straight-backed, once again with her hands clasped in front of her resting on her lap. She says nothing and I like that–a lot. She obviously doesn’t use words unnecessarily and has none of the nerves I would expect from a woman in her position.

“You are looking for a job.”

I get straight to business, and she nods, looking hopeful.

“Miss. Sinclair gave me her business card a few years back and told me if I ever needed a job to come and find her.”

I lean back and stare at her with a contemplative expression.

“What were you hoping for?”

I ask a question that I have no intention of honoring, and she shakes her head and smiles softly. “I won’t lie to you, sir. I am not qualified to work in an office. But I am honest, hardworking, and desperate to learn and would welcome the chance to enter a training program or start at the bottom and work my way up.”

“I see.”

Once again, I catch Saint’s eye and his smirk tells me even he knows this poor girl doesn’t stand a fucking chance and I pretend to consider my options without speaking a word by return.

I’m impressed that she doesn’t try to fill in the silence with unnecessary conversation, just stares at me with a blank expression as she waits for me to speak.
