Page 86 of Pure Evil

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“Mine?” The tears build as I stare at the most beautiful white car I have ever seen.

James appears beside me and says with a smile. “Mr. Vieri wanted to surprise you. He had this custom-built and said it was your dream.”

“But I can’t drive.” I am staggered and James says gently, “He has arranged for lessons. You begin next week.”

“I do.” My eyes are wide and James whispers, “He wants you to be happy, Mrs. Vieri.”

For the briefest moment, I just stare, the tears burning behind my eyes.

I have my dream car.

A beautiful white sports car that is everything I would have chosen if I had the choice. White and black leather seats and a roof that folds back. It is small and sweet, and I can’t even begin to imagine what the huge chauffeur will look like driving it, and it makes me giggle as I step into the passenger seat.

I’m like a kid on Christmas morning as I stare around me with happiness, inhaling the scent of leather and car polish with an excited shiver.

As the engine starts, the roar tears right through my body and I say with excitement.

“Let’s see what this baby can do.”

Despite my wishes, Julian drives us sedately to the center of town, to Gold Hawk Enterprises. The wind whips in my hair as I stare around me with a happiness I never really expected. This car is everything to me because Killian took note of what I wanted and made it happen. He always does and I have a warm feeling inside when I think about my husband.

We pull up outside his office and Julian says in his gruff voice, “I’ll be in the underground carpark. Call me when you’re ready.”

“Okay, and thanks.” I smile my appreciation and as I stand outside Gold Hawk Enterprises, it reminds me of the first day I arrived and placing my hand on my stomach, I experience a moments satisfaction that all my dreams came true because I took a chance on happiness.

With a spring in my step I head inside and this time the security guard smiles his welcome. I make my way to the reception desk and say ‘hi’ to Yvonne and she returns my greeting before saying pleasantly, “It’s good to see you, Mrs. Vieri.”

“You too, Yvonne. I hope the family is well.”

“They are. Thank you, ma’am.”

“I’m here to meet my husband.” I say happily and her face falls a little.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Vieri, he’s in a meeting and we’ve been instructed to hold all his calls and under no circumstances to disturb him.”

She appears a little awkward and to put her at ease, I smile.

“It’s fine. I’ll wait here.”

As I turn, I notice his black car pull up outside and say quickly, “It’s ok. I’ll wait in the car. It’s obvious he won’t be long.”

As I head back the way I came, I am so happy. When Killian finishes his meeting, I will ask him to take me home so we can celebrate the good news together — in private.



Gabriella is shit scared and trying not to show it. She knows she’s fucked up and the fact I didn’t let her leave with my father tells her she’s in deep trouble.

“You betrayed me, Gabriella.”

I waste no time in getting to the point and she says with a wavering voice. “I could say the same to you.”

“I doubt that.”

I am irritated by her words, and she says angrily. “I’ve been your loyal assistant for years, Killian. You used me in every way possible and then tossed me aside forher. That immature baby who has no idea what she’s gotten into. You don’t need her, you need me.”

Her eyes flash and I fire back.
