Page 88 of Pure Evil

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I am disturbed by a text, and I glance down and note it’s from reception. That surprises me because they know not to text me unless it’s important.

I’m guessing it’s telling me the devastating news, but as I open the message, my blood runs cold.

Your wife is waiting for you in the car.

My entire world crumbles.

A sound comes from deep inside my soul as I roar like a wounded animal in the empty office. “Fuck! No!”

I have never felt pain like it. It’s unbearable and I well and truly lose my shit.

Raising my chair, I hurl it against the wall, pounding my fists on the desk and scattering the contents to the floor. I roar with pain, and I tear at my hair as I realize what I’ve done. I killed the one person in my life who was innocent, beautiful, and brave. I destroyed the one woman I ever wanted to keep and as I sink to the floor, my back to the wall, I cry real tears for the first time in my life as I realize I killed the only woman I have ever loved.

My mind is struggling to cope and there is a huge gaping hole in my chest where my heart used to be.

Somehow, I struggle to my feet and as if I’m on autopilot, I move toward the door.

Every fucking step I take is heavy, as if the chains are tightening around my soul, dragging me down deeper into that dark, evil place in my mind.

I am a monster.

A cold, fucking, disgusting monster, who doesn’t deserve to live among normal innocent people. I murdered the only thing that was good in my life. Extinguished any hope I ever had, because of what? A family institution that doesn’t really count in the end. Was it worth my one shot at happiness? Ruling over a fucking society just to make my grandfather proud.

My assistant stares at me with fear as I pass. She heard the commotion in my office and knew better than to investigate. They hear the rumors and push all that aside because I pay them well. They choose to believe the whiter side of my image while turning away from the darker one.

Now there is no good left in me at all. I am fucking pure evil and will live up to my name. It’s no wonder things went wrong for me because this is Karma at her deadliest.

I take the elevator to the ground and note the empty reception area. The glass at the front of the building is shattered like my heart. Broken pieces of jagged glass are forever scattered and will never be whole again. They cut deeply and cause pain—everything I deserve.

The sirens flash as the area is secured and as Saint appears by my side, he says with concern, “Fuck, Killian, what happened to you?”

I realize he is referring to my appearance and not the devastating scene outside where my car used to be.

Where Purity used to be.

Where my future used to be.

Where my heart used to be.



As I walk to the exit, I doubt I have ever been so happy. Knowing there is a child growing inside me is the most incredible feeling in the world.

I’m going to be a mom. Killian is going to be a father and together we will give this child the world. I will be the perfect mom and shower my baby with love and affection. Make them feel secure. Everything I was starved of as a child.

Killian will be a strong father, providing for his child, so they want for nothing. I may have to work on him for the emotional side, but I know he is capable. I just need to discover how to free it from the prison inside him.

We are probably the most emotionally retarded people I know, but we will work it out. I know we will and so, as I step into the sunshine, I turn my face to the heavens and love the sense of peace that washes over me.

I note the car waiting by the sidewalk and smile to myself. I will tell Killian the moment he steps inside. I will be waiting, and we will share a special moment alone, in private.

My hand reaches for the handle, and I briefly wonder where his driver is. Usually, he would be standing waiting and open the door for me. It doesn’t matter. I don’t need his help, anyway, and as I reach for the handle, I hear a loud, “Purity!”

My hand hovers against the metal and I glance up as a familiar voice makes my heart pound.

I peer in the direction it came from and blink as if I can’t believe my eyes.
