Page 105 of Cohen's Control

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Fuck yes. “I’m coming,” she announces, but I already felt her. Tighten and release, her cunt milks me as her hips undulate and her shoulders roll, her body dancing to the pulsing waves of her orgasm.

“Now, Cohen, tell me now,” she whines, writhing on my cock, her pink lips spreading all around me. I look down at where I’m filling her, and lose complete control.

“Your pussy,” I groan as the first rope of cum slips out, eager and fast. “I love filling your pussy, breeding your cunt, leaving you full,” I breathe as shots three and four pulse from my slit, flooding her insides with my warm, thick cum. She rides out my orgasm, using her pussy to coax the final drops of release from me, her ass winking at me, wet with cum.

A moment passes where we just… breathe. Coming back from the chasm we delve into when we’re together this way. The entire world falls away when I’m inside of her and she’s using me how she pleases.

She slides off, pressing the expended towel between her legs. As she leans over me to release my wrists, her breast hovers above my lips, and I lift my face to fill my mouth.

She moans as I suck her breast, and steals it from me to reach over, releasing the second restraint. “Surprise,” she smiles above me, placing a quick kiss on my lips before moving to the foot of the bed, releasing my ankles one at a time. Without hesitation, she drapes herself over me, bare chest to bare chest. Stacking her fists beneath her chin, she stares down at me. “I was nervous about taking youthere, so I thought having control of the situation would make me the most comfortable.”

I nod. “That was incredible and unexpected, too,” I admit, because I know she’d said she wanted to save anal for off-screen moments, but in truth, I never gave it a second thought. She thoroughly pleases me all the time, so asking for more is never a thought that comes into my brain. Ever. “Thank you,” I tell her, because it feels important for her to know that I appreciate the way she gives her body to me, the trust she shows me, the intimacy she surrenders to me.

“Now,” she says, stretching her legs between mine, her cold toes skimming my inner calves. “You sure you wanna?”

My mind returns to where we started this evening.

Scarlett had a big shoot today, and because I try my very hardest to stay away from her when she’s filming for reasons obvious and already discussed, she brought some of the edited scene home for me to see.

When she told me she asked Lance if it would be okay, a little wave of embarrassment wiggled through me because he most definitely knows why she wanted it. I mean, we’re not watching her tapes like game footage, revising the game plan, and he knows it.

But the embarrassment quickly dwindled when she told me it was a shoot with her, Otis and Tuck.

“Aug was different about this one. And he had Lance sit and watch, and yeah, Lance is normally there but he doesn’t usually watch so intently. Aug wanted him to, that much was clear,” she says, waving a hand through the air as she queues the video on the TV hanging from the wall. “Bluetooth,” she smiles, wiggling her phone.

“What kind of scene was it?” I ask, because when I peered at the schedule it just saidAUG’S CHOICE.

She dances her eyebrows as we slide up on the bed, pressing our backs to the headboard. “A three-way pet thing.”

I don’t judge, but confusion scores my brows because I don’t think I know what that means. “That’s new to me,” I admit, finding her hand in her lap, closing mine around hers, fingers woven together.

“Me too,” she admits as the scene appears in vivid colors across the screen. She turns in my arms, her blonde hair tickling my bare chest. “Your set is beautiful, Cohen,” she says, placing a kiss on my mouth.

We face the screen, and I take in my work, the set designed to replicate a bedroom. Obviously, I do a lot of bedrooms, but Aug was specific with this one. Usually I get the basic information and create the rest. That’s… my job.

This time, I was given such specific instructions, down to which side of the nightstand the phone charging cord falls on. Seriously. It’s only now though, as I watch Tuck and Otis sit side by side on the bed centering the space, reality snatches me.

I look over at her profile, studying the way her lips curl as she watches her two friends share a slow kiss, Tuck’s hand possessive at the back of Otis’s neck.

“What do you think this scene is about?” I ask her, letting my vision bounce between the scene and her.

She rolls her lips together, nodding at the screen. I look and see her entering, wearing something close to what she normally wears. Jeans, a cropped little hoodie, her blonde hair in loose beachy waves down her back.

“I think, from my perspective, it’s about two lovers who can’t quite make it fit just the two of them. They’re… together but stretched thin trying to stay that way. I think it’s about the third joining them, and the three of them becoming the relationship each of them needed. Despite the fact it’s non traditional.”

I nod. “That’s… I think, insanely accurate.”

She shrugs as the scene flickers against her shining eyes. “Well, I mean, we’ll never get to know for sure, but I think so, yeah.”

I look back at the screen and why it only occurred to me now, watching it on TV, I’m not sure. But I’ve been to Aug’s place. When I first started at Crave, one of the monthly mixers was there. I got lost looking for the restroom. I stumbled into his bedroom.

“Aug’s room looks just like that,” I say quietly, spreading the secret out between us, making it ours instead of mine.

She hits pause as her head whips toward me. “What?”

Then I tell her exactly what happened that night at the party. How I had a few too many drinks and needed to take a leak and splash some water in my face. I stumbled down the hall, pushed into the bedroom and saw… “Pretty much that exact thing,” I say, motioning to the set on screen.

She drapes her hand over her collarbone. “Interesting.”
