Page 19 of The Thorn's Kiss

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Grabbing the towels, I wrap my body and my hair in them, hating the way they feel against my skin. I’m clean, and it should be a relief, but there’s no relief in this hell. No matter how luxurious, it’s still a pit of fire. My skin burns from the agony I caused, it but at least this is a pain I have control over. Who knows how much more pain this man will have me endure at his hands. I see the white fabric hanging from the red and gold screen. When I pick it up, I gasp. Silk.

I’ve never worn anything silk in my life. Not that it matters much to me. And it matters even less now that he’s the reason I’ll wear it. But on a padded stool behind the screen, I notice there’s one more item of clothing: a corset.

I scoff. A corset? Who wears a corset to bed? In fact, I’ve never had any reason to wear a corset. It’s not like I’ve been invited to any parties where my breasts had to be hoisted up on top of my chest. And I haven’t felt the need to wear them to attract… suitors.

Holding up the corset, it’s like watching the clouds go by as day fades to night if that makes any sense. But it dawns on me. The room, the bed, the bath, the scents, this corset…

Knock knock.The sound comes from the door, and I toss the corset to the floor in fright. Oh, what a fool I am. I remain still, listening to my own breath tremble as I lose my mind.

Knock knock.

I inhale but only wind up choking on the absence of air. “Please, please, please. Please just be Gloria or that Carlson man,” I whisper to myself.

The knocks grow louder, and I hurry to the door, opening it, and the air becomes stifling.

It’s the beast.

Chapter Eight


Wow.Athudhitsme somewhere deep in my body. Deep in my crotch too at the sight of her. But before I can even greet her, her eyes widen, and the door swings shut on my face. That’s not the way we do things around here. No one slams a door in my face. Especially not in my own house.

“That’s not very kind of you, is it?” I grunt, stopping the door with my foot and shoving her aside. She trips over her feet and falls to the floor. “Not after I made sure to see to your comfort.” I stare down at her. Her face tenses and if the look in her eyes could kill me, I’d be bleeding out onto my carpets.

I must give her credit. She gets up from the floor and faces me, even if she’s backing away. It makes me smile.

“What do you want from me?” she says. “I’ve already traded places with my father, and he’s already out there getting your money.”

“You’re sure about that, are you?” I ask, stalking toward her.

“Of course,” she says.

“Hm. Trust. Love. It’s all so innocent. So naïve,” I say, squinting my eyes at her before closing in. She backs up some more, but there’s nowhere else to go except into the wall. She’s breathing heavily, and I watch her, tilting my head to get a better view of all of her, her brown damp hair which I twirl about in my fingers, her plump lips, and long, dark lashes. She shudders.

“Well, I hope he’s worthy of your trust,” I say slowly and softly.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Exploring you.” I grin.

Her lips tremble as she tries to move out of my touch, but I close her in with my hands next to her head. Her eyes well up with tears. “A-a-are you going to r-r-ra…”

I groan in disgust. “Trust me, if I have you, you’re going to want it,” I say, trailing a finger over her cheek.

“That will never happen,” she says, pushing against my chest.

“It won’t?” I ask, pressing my body into her, watching as she gulps. “You know, you’re a lot prettier than all the other women I’ve sexed in this mansion.” I bring my lips close to hers, exchanging breaths. “I bet your cunt tastes even sweeter,” I whisper, brushing my lips against hers. She moans a little, and I grin. Of course, she does. All women are the same. “You like feeling me pressed against you like this, don’t you?” I ask.

“No,” she gasps.

“No?” I ask, leaning off her and watching as her eyes follow my body. I’m dressed in nothing but open coat and trousers. My chest is completely bare to her, and she doesn’t seem conscious that her hand is pressed against it still from when she tries to push me away.

Smiling, I grab hold of her hand and pull it down my body. Her breath shakes as the heel of her hands grazes the rises and dips of my torso. I groan, watching her as she touches her tongue to her teeth in a move that seems unconscious. She jolts me, and I rush to unbutton my trousers. Still, she hasn’t attempted to pull her hand away. It’s as if she’s in a trance, and her lips dampen by her drool. I can’t help myself when I close her hand around me. Grunting, I grip her breasts desperately.

“Mm, I see you didn’t like the corset. Didn’t it fit?” I ask, breathing against her neck. She moans and bites her lip. Her hand, still wrapped around me, is unmoving. It’s driving me crazy, and I thrust into it.

“See what you’ve done to me?” I pant.
