Page 20 of The Thorn's Kiss

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As if she’s just broken out of her trance, she pulls her hand from my pants, and I grab hold of it without thinking, spinning her around and pinning her head against the wall. My other hand pulls at her white nightdress, and I swear when it rumples up and fails to reveal her sweet nakedness to me quickly enough. When her ass is finally exposed to me, I lick my lips. I don’t know what’s come over me. I haven’t felt this passionate in a while.

“Tell me you want it,” I whisper against her ear, pressing my still-clothed hardness against her.

Her voice shakes. “I-I-I don’t know what I-I-I want, wh-what are you doing?” she asks.

I grin. “You know exactly what I’m doing,” I moan. “Spare the chaste act for someone else. I don’t care if you’re a whore. My bed has seen the likes of many of you. Though, none quite as tempting as you, I must admit.”

To my surprise, she throws her elbow back, and it lands in my ribs. It’s unexpected, so I didn’t tense in time to avoid pain. The pain is only minor, but it angers me enough to release her and spin her back around to face me as I hold her arms above her head. Her fists clench, her eyes slant downwards, and her face reddens as she scowls at me.

“I might not be a lady, but I’m not a whore,” she says, kneeing me in the crotch.

My mouth falls open. Okay, that one hurts. Yet, I grin.

“Feisty, aren’t you?” I say, moving to sit on the bed as I wait for the roaring waves of pain to come to a still. It’s not the first time I’ve been kicked in the nether regions, but it never gets easier to handle.

She looks at me, eyes wide, raising her shaking hands to her lips. “Look, I’m sorry. Please, don’t punish my father for this. I’m here and willing to go back into the cell to endure the next twenty-nine days. I’m sticking to my end of the deal here.”

I cock my head at her. “I don’t remember making a deal with you. I made a deal with your father. Our deal hasn’t been finalized yet.”

She swallows. “Be that as it may. Whatever feelings you may have for me, I suggest you do away with them.”

This makes me laugh hard. So hard, I can hardly feel the pain in my crotch anymore. She snarls at me before continuing, “But I don’t wish for my first time to be here, with someone like you.” She grips her dress, fisting pieces of the material to busy her hands.

I’m about to remind her about abandoning the virtuous act but when I look at her eyes, filled with true offense, the way she closes her shoulders in as if she’s trying to hide her body from me even though she’s covered to the toes in that nightdress. Something she’s realized can’t prevent her from being exposed. It becomes clear that she’s telling the truth.

I sigh, swiping my hand over my scratchy beard. “Well, I’ll be…” Leaning back on my hands, I can’t stop looking at her. I’m blown away. “You’re a virgin,” I say.

She releases her dress and folds her arms across her chest, backing even further away from me as she looks at me curiously. “Well, don’t look so shocked about it,” she says.

I shake my head before getting up from the bed. “Well, I’m shocked. I was beginning to think your kind was a myth. Like sirens. Well, not like sirens. That there are women luring fools into their traps and sucking the life out of them? I can believe that. But virgins?” I scoff.

She grimaces when I come to stand before her again, brushing her hair with the back of my hand. “You’re full of intrigue, aren’t you? Where did you learn to fight?” I ask, dropping my hand.

She gasps before swallowing. “I never always lived in Colderidge. I’ve lived in many places, some places where a woman needed to know how to defend herself.”

I smile, and she looks at me as if she’s wondering what I find so funny.

“What about you? Why are you such a mess?” she asks.

“Am I a mess?” I ask, grinning and avoiding the question. “You know, Olivia Primrose. You also have a debt to me.” I trail my finger down the sleeve of her nightgown, and she backs away.

“Impossible. I’ve never met you before in my life. I’ve never borrowed a cent from you, and the money my father spent, I didn’t know it was stolen…” she starts.

I press my finger against her lips, silencing her as she looks up at me with wide eyes. “That may be. But you are a Primrose. And your family has owed my family money for decades now. I’m the debt collector of the family. I’m good at it.” I shrug. “But well, with those members of your family dead, the debt falls upon the shoulders of the living. At first, I thought it would only be on your poor father’s shoulders. But it seems you’re his angel. Now, he gets to split that debt with you.”

Her lips tremble, and she tries to speak, but nothing comes out.

“But no worries,” I say, pinching her chin and pulling slightly so that her mouth will open for me. I stir for her again, growing harder at the sight of her wet, pink tongue. She swallows when I let her chin go, and she watches me as I pace before her. “I know you don’t have that kind of money.”

She sighs and when I look at her, she’s flushed, almost smiling. “Thank you so much for understanding…” she starts.

“I wasn’t done,” I inform her.

“Right,” she says, closing her mouth and nodding.

Turning to face her, I look her straight in the eyes. “So, in the thirty days you stay here, you’ll have a job. You do what I tell you to do, we’ll call it even,” I say.

She nods. “Of course, Mr. Molotov. Anything to lighten the load from my father’s shoulders. I’ll work day and night on my knees, scrubbing this place spotless if you need me to. Or I’ll tend to the bedding or the drapes…” Her words trail off as I shake my head.
