Page 85 of The Thorn's Kiss

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“I feel like hell,” I groan.

“Oh, that’s right. Your lady friend informed me that you were in severe pain.”

“My woman,” I mutter.

“What was that?” he asks, while pouring some medicine in a spoon.

“She’s my woman,” I groan. “My partner for life, if she’ll have me,” I grunt.

“You know I will. Now stop talking and let your body recover,” Olivia says.

I smirk at her over the doctor’s shoulders, and she folds her arms across her chest.

“Well, that’s something, isn’t it?” The doctor looks between us. “Many reasons to celebrate, I think.” He smiles and pushes a wooden spoon toward my mouth. “Here you go, you’re accustomed to some good old laudanum, aren’t you? Should help with the pain, knock you right out, and give your body time to recover.”

The bitter liquid makes me sputter and gag. It never gets any easier to take.

“I’ll see you again in the morning,” the doctor says, before heading toward the door. “I’ve got to say, Adam. Your recovery is remarkable.” He shakes his head in disbelief.

Olivia smiles at me and moves toward the armchair.

“Are you going to sit up in that all night?” I groan. “It looks awfully uncomfortable.”

“I’ll manage.” She leans over to kiss my hand and then my forehead. “As long as I’m with you, I’m thrilled.” She brushes her lips against my cheek.

“Hmmm,” I sigh. “Why don’t you climb up on this bed and give me some more of those?”

“Adam Molotov!” she gasps. “You’re in no position to…” she whispers.

“I don’t mean that, Ms. Filthy Mind.” I grin as the laudanum kick in. “I mean, lie in the bed next to me. Let me hold you.” I pat the space next to me.

She looks at me from head to toe. My lids grow heavier and harder to keep open as I pat the bed again.

“Well, it’s a large-enough bed,” she reasons. “But I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Well, don’t lie on the side where I’ve been cut. Come on. Your warm body next to mine will only help to speed up the recovery.” My words slur.

She grins. “There’s always an occasion for the sweetness of your tongue, isn’t there?”

I grin. “Oh, you have no idea.”

“Adam…” She giggles. That’s the last thing I hear before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, I rouse, and my arm is limp. Looking over to my right, I see the reason lying there, and it makes the pins and needles worth it. Her warm cheek rests on my bare chest. Her hair is braided now, and strands that have worked themselves free brush against my nose. It smells of lavender and vanilla. I smile and stroke her head, placing a kiss in the centre of it.

The pain on my left side is still ridiculous but not as bad as last night. Turning my head toward the bed to the left, I catch fright. It’s Lucian, and he’s snoring. It’s the pain or the gentleness of Olivia’s body pressed against me that moves me to emotion, but tears of gratitude leak from my eyes.

“You’re awake.” A female voice startles me as the room door creaks open. I haven’t heard it in years, and I whip my head around in fear that I might be hallucinating. Blond hair, snow-white skin, a face of symmetry, and a slender frame, dressed delicately in a modest and fashionable dress.

“Agatha,” I gasp. “What in tarnation are you doing here?” I hold Olivia tighter to me, and she rouses.

“I heard what happened, and I needed to see that you were doing okay,” she says.

I don’t respond, but I keep my eyes trained on her. What does she want?

She clears her throat. “I see you’ve found love again. I’m happy for you, Adam. I’m glad she managed to fix what I broke.”

Wincing, I look up at the ceiling, wondering what the point of this conversation might be, as Olivia sits up in the bed.
