Page 41 of Agent's Integrity

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I chewed on my bottom lip, but I pulled up the communications interface. “You won’t have much time, and we’ll need whatever power we can save to divert to the hyperdrive. Keep it quick.”

“Okay.” She rattled off the ID number she wanted to call, and I pulled up the overhead holographic screen so she could see. After a few moments, the video came up. A young girl with dark hair peered back at us. Julia smiled. “Alexi.”

“Jules!” The girl nearly screamed. Relief washed across her face. “We’ve been so worried about you. Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?”

“Listen Lex, I don’t have much time. I don’t know who kidnapped me, but they took me and the memory stick. I need you to pass the word along to Abbott and the others. They took me to Cadium, but we’re leaving now.”

There was a noise in the background, and Alexi looked offscreen. She was sitting on a bed, and she scooted over to make room for a man to sit beside her. Blond hair peeked out above a bandaged forehead.

Julia sucked in a deep breath. “Jordan! You’re okay.”

So, this is her partner and sister.I tried not to pay attention to their conversation, but it was impossible not to.

Jordan grinned. “Of course. It’ll take more than a little knock to the head to put me down. What about you? You look injured.”

Julia’s hand covered her side protectively, but she shook her head. “I’m okay. It’s nothing serious.”

“Where are you?”

“We’re on our way to Esmuna.”

Jordan frowned severely. His eyes moved between the two of us. “Why are you heading there? And who are you with?”

I eyed the power levels and tried not to wince. “Hurry it up, Julia.”

She ignored me and spoke to her partner. “It doesn’t matter. Our ship is damaged, and we can’t make it any farther. I don’t know who kidnapped me other than they work for the ones who targeted Barrows. They were after the memory stick, and they have it. They’re trying to kill me.”

Jordan shifted as though he wanted to move to action. “I’ll come get you. I can be on the first flight out to Esmuna.”

“No.” Julia shook her head and then abruptly stopped. She looked dizzy. “I’ll figure out a way off Esmuna. You’ll never make it to the planet, not as an IPF agent. And I want you to stay with Alexi. Keep her safe.”

Alexi rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, Julia. You’re the one who needs help. Esmuna is a bad place. Plus, you’re hurt.”

“I’ll be fine. I’ll find a way off-planet and contact you again. I won’t be able to contact you while on the planet in case they are tracing calls. I have to cut this short, but I wanted you to know I’m okay.”

Jordan didn’t look happy. “Do you have anything that will help us track down whoever is after you? A name? Anything?”

She shook her head helplessly. “No. Everyone just called the leader ‘boss’. They kept me in one room the entire time. I’ll find a way to contact you in a few days.”

His look turned agitated. “Who are you going to find on Esmuna who’d be willing to deal with an IPF agent? Give me coordinates. I’ll find a way to get you out.”

“There’s no guarantee either of us could make it to the rendezvous. Trust me, Jordan. I’ll be safe. Now, you keep my sister safe.”

Although obviously unhappy, Jordan nodded. Julia looked at her sister. “Do whatever Jordan says. I’ll be home before you know it. I love you.”

Alexi’s eyes watered. “I love you too. Be safe.”

Julia nodded. “You, too.”

I cut the link and promptly funneled the power into the hyperdrive. Andy swiftly plotted coordinates into the computer and engaged the hyperdrive. The ship shuddered, and I wondered briefly if it would fly apart, but it remained intact. At least for now.

Julia leaned her head back and closed her eyes. I unsnapped my seatbelt and went to kneel in front of her, touching her arm. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”

She didn’t look well. “I feel stressed and in pain and not liking the idea of going to Esmuna.”

“There are pain killers in the lab if you require some,” Andy interjected.

“No,” I answered for her. “Focus on diverting the necessary power we need to make it to Esmuna intact, please.”
