Page 7 of Agent's Integrity

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I pushed a clean pad of paper and a pen across the table to him. “Write down the address and directions. Coordinates, if you have them. Write down everything else you can think of about the hideout. Security codes, security features, everything. Got it?”

Claude nodded and picked up the pen. Jordan and I exchanged glances. This wasn’t necessarily the break we were looking for, but if the file really did exist, then it could have the information we needed. This was still an important step in the right direction. It was a solid lead if nothing else.

When he was finished, I took the pad and scanned the contents before standing up. “I hope for your sake you’re telling the truth.”



As much as I would have rather gone straight to Viridis, our unit was based on Venetus, as protocol dictated since the incident took place there, and we needed to check in with them and approve our next move with our captain there. Although, as the lead investigator, I had the authority to pursue leads at my discretion, I wanted to follow protocol. This case needed to be airtight. No loopholes by not following proper procedure. This needed to be by the book.

I was used to traveling for work and I didn’t mind it, especially since it mostly consisted of short trips. Venetus was in the same solar system, so it wouldn’t take more than a day to get back. We had only been on Lithios for two days, and I was happy the trip had been a short one. I wanted to get back to Alexi. I hated being away from her, but sometimes it wasn’t practical to take her everywhere with me.

Jordan and I boarded a ship, and I settled back into a seat and pulled out my tablet. I sent a quick message to my little sister to let her know I’d be back soon and about what time to expect me. She messaged back a short reply, but I hadn’t expected anything more from her. She was sixteen and going through a rebellious stage. I tried to be as understanding as I could, especially since I’d been there myself, but it was tough. We weren’t the same person, and I didn’t know how to relate to her.

“Hey.” Jordan nudged my arm and nodded at the message on my tablet. “Everything okay?”

I sighed and nodded. “Yeah. It’s Alexi. I haven’t exactly been on her good side lately.”

Jordan smiled. “She’s a teenager. A little rebellion never hurt anyone. She probably misses you. Maybe once we crack this case you can have a little time off. Maybe go back to Luna Abra and work from home for a while.”

That idea was appealing, but I wasn’t sure it was possible. “Maybe. If we crack this case. I might be able to snag some time off and take Alexi on a vacation somewhere.”

“Nowthatsounds like a fabulous idea.”

A pretty attendant walked past, and Jordan caught her eye and shot her a smile packed with charm. She blushed and smiled back at him before disappearing down the aisle.

“She’s pretty,” I commented. “Not quite your usual type.”

He lifted an eyebrow at me. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

“Usually, you go for the dumb ones. She looks smarter than your normal prey.”

Jordan pressed his hand to his heart dramatically. “You wound me.”

I held in a laugh, but I still smiled. “Yes, I do. What happened to Ilene? She seemed at least moderately intelligent. I thought you liked her?”

“Well, seems she found some stuffy dude who makes more money than I do.” He pressed his lips together. “But hey, it’s okay. I can do better.”

Feeling annoyed with Ilene, I nodded. He deserved better than that. “You certainly can. Ilene doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.”

Jordan glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. “And what about that accountant friend of yours? Is he still around?”

Truthfully, no. And I didn’t want to talk about it. I crossed my legs and looked out the window. “Keith is still Keith.”

He snorted. “That’s not much of an answer. Are you guys dating, or aren’t you? It’s not that hard.”

I shrugged. “We go on dates occasionally. I don’t know if I would classify that as dating in an exclusive sense.” The truth was Keith and I werenotdating. We had both talked about it the last time we had gone out and mutually decided we had no chemistry. We weren’t going to waste each other’s time. Now I was stuck without a name to throw at people when they asked if I was single. Keith had been my convenient excuse whenever people said I should date more.

Jordan shook his head. “You need to dump that guy. Seriously, Jules. Just end it. You aren’t doing each other any good. Not really.”

“I don’t want to talk about it, Jordan.”

He knew me well enough to drop the subject, but he was miffed at me. I ignored him and continued to stare out the window. Talking about Keith reminded me of home.

Luna Abra had been my home since starting IPF training. At least, it was as much of a home as it could have been since I was always traveling. Arcadia Prime was my home world, but I didn’t claim it as home. It hadn’t ever felt like home. I had felt more at home among the recruits in the barracks on Luna Abra than I’d ever felt anywhere on Arcadia Prime.

Not wanting to think about the past, I focused on the case, running the interview with Claude over in my head, just to be sure I hadn’t missed anything. I had a gut feeling he hadn’t lied about the file or its location. This was a good, solid lead, and we desperately needed this to work.
