Page 92 of Agent's Integrity

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I studied the area, trying to commit it to memory. “The plan is to wait in these two areas until they show up, get confirmation they have the guns, and then rush the place?”

Emerson nodded. “Essentially. Once they are inside the building, we’ll approach and wait outside the entry points. Goliath will signal when he confirms the guns are physically present. We go in and take them down.”

I leaned against the wall and crossed my ankles. “We aren’t taking a big crew, are we?”

“No. There’s not enough cover. A dozen men. With Goliath and his men, that’s six more. We can signal for backup if we need to.”

The control freak in me wished we could take more men. We were more likely to win with an overwhelming force. But even without more men, we had the numbers. I doubted whoever stole from Archuleta had an army with him. I was betting on more like half a dozen to ten people, max. We also had the element of surprise.

Emerson glanced at Ethan. “Where is Goliath, anyway?”

“Meditating. It’s tradition before something like this. They’ll be ready on time.”

“We need to leave soon.” Emerson looked over at Reuben, who was typing away at a computer. “Reuben, report.”

Reuben glanced up from the screen. Today, his dreadlocks were pulled back from his face, and he was dressed in light body armor. He looked ready for a fight, and I could appreciate how seriously he took his job, even if I didn’t like him as a person. “TheHawkis prepped and fueled, and engineering is finishing up the safety checks. The men are arming themselves and then heading for the hangar. Steel checked in, and the site seems deserted still.”

Emerson nodded. “Good. Reuben, you’ll remain here with a backup team. If anything goes south, I want your men ready. Hopefully this will go down smoothly, but we should be prepared for anything.”

“Captain,” one of the crew members turned from his station. “We’re being hailed.”

The captain frowned. “By whom?”

“I don’t know. It’s an encrypted channel.”

Emerson and I exchanged glances. I didn’t have any idea who it could be. To be safe, I took Ethan’s arm and pulled him towards the front corner of the bridge and out of the camera’s sightline for a video call. Emerson watched us go and then nodded to the communications officer. “Pull it up on my private line here.”

A few seconds later, a screen lit up. “Who is this?” Emerson asked immediately, his voice gruff and impatient.

“I’m not your enemy, Captain.”

My heart froze in my chest, and I squeezed Ethan’s arm. I recognized that voice. I was glad I’d thought of moving away so he couldn’t see us. I waved at Emerson to catch his attention. He barely glanced at me, but I gave him a wide-eyed look, hoping he would understand that this was the guy who was after us.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Emerson folded his hands across his stomach. “Who are you?”

“Think of me as a potential client. I’m here to discuss a mutual problem we have.”

Emerson squinted, and his lips pressed into a firm line. “Clear the bridge.”

Crew members looked up and then started shuffling towards the door. Ethan and I stayed in the corner. Reuben got up last, exchanged a look with Emerson, and then left as well. Once everyone else was gone, Emerson sighed. “Speak quickly. I don’t have much patience.”

He chuckled. I couldn’t see his face, but I could imagine he was smirking. “I’ve been tracking two people: a woman and a Novem. My investigation has led me to you. I believe you know of whom I speak?” Emerson’s face showed nothing of his thoughts. “I don’t know how she got on with your crew, and honestly, I don’t care. What I care about is killing them both.”

I took a quiet, steadying breath. It would be a lie to say I wasn’t afraid of him because I was. I had spent…I didn’t even know how much time with him on his ship while he questioned me. Tortured me. I pushed those painful thoughts away and tried to focus on the present.You aren’t on his ship anymore. You’re on Emerson’s ship, and you’re safe.

Emerson tapped his right forefinger against his other hand. “Why is that my problem?”

“Because she’s a cop.”

Admittedly, Emerson did a good job of faking a surprised look. He straightened up in his chair and leaned forward. “Why should I believe you?”

“Look it up for yourself. Agent Julia Carter, IPF.”

“And the guy who’s with her?”

I could almost hear him shrug. “A meteorologist of some kind. He stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. Now, I want them both dead.”

Emerson pressed his lips together. “What problem do you have with her?”
