Page 94 of Agent's Integrity

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Steel almost smiled. Emerson nodded and looked around. “You can head back too.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Emerson grunted. “You’ve been up all night.”

“And I’m still fine. I’ve gone a lot longer without sleep. I want in on this.”

“Fine.” Emerson sighed. “Have it your way. Let’s get under some cover.”

The four of us separated, trying to find places to hide. Steel disappeared immediately.I doubt he’ll have trouble finding cover. I opted to slide between an old tractor wheel and a crane. It was a small space, too small for any of the guys to fit in, but it was perfect for me.Sometimes being small has its advantages.

Just as I got into place, the com crackled in my ear. “Check. Everyone, com check.”

Each of the men confirmed that their coms were working. I confirmed and leaned back, keeping my eye on the corner of the decrepit building. It was a quiet day, and barely a breeze stirred the leaves of the nearby trees. I pulled my gloves over my hands, seeking warmth, and then buried them in my armpits.

“Goliath,” Emerson’s voice whispered in my ear, “can you hear me?”

There was a little crackling and then Goliath’s voice came over the radio. “Yes. We’re standing by and ready to go.”

“Good. Wait for my signal before heading out.”


I hated waiting, but I was used to it. Even though we didn’t have many operations of this kind in the diplomatic security branch, I still had some experience with it. I had done plenty of ops in training and in my early years with the force.

The cold was starting to seep into my back from the side of the crane, and I tried to ignore it. I kept my senses alert while I scanned what little area I could see. It smelled dry and crisp and like sunbaked metal. I didn’t hear or see any of the other men, but I took that as a good sign. These mercenaries were professionals. I had forgotten Emerson’s crew was well-trained. They were good at what they did. Even if they were brutes, they were highly trained in stealth and combat.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly. I tried not to think about what would happen if we made it back to Viridis with my kidnappers still pursuing us. Likely, they would try to attack us before we got there, because it would be much easier to kill us now, before we reached Viridis. But even then, if they had influence and money, we wouldn’t be safe anywhere. I couldn’t imagine uprooting Alexi and going into hiding until all this was resolved. It wasn’t like I even knew anything that could bring these guys down. Our only breakthrough had been the drive, and we didn’t have it anymore.

Regardless, I knew this was far from over. We weren’t any closer to finding out who was responsible for Ben’s kidnapping and assassination attempt, and now we were running for our lives. I hated being hunted down like an animal.Maybe after we get these guns back for Archuleta, I can talk Emerson into setting up a trap. We know they’re nearby. This might be an opportunity.

I filed that thought in the back of my head for later when Emerson’s voice finally came back over the radio. “Goliath, head on down.”

“On our way.”

We still had to wait some more, but finally a little ship that must have belonged to Goliath passed overhead and circled around before setting down outside the building. Goliath and his men emerged and headed inside. I didn’t have any way to tell what time it was, but it must have been close to the designated meeting time.

“Stand by. Target still not in sight.”

I didn’t know who had said that, but I kept my eyes open, and my mouth shut. This wasn’t the time to faff around.

After what must have been ten minutes, someone else came over the radio. “Target spotted; north by northeast, approaching slowly. Midsized hover vehicle, armed with mini plasma cannons.”

Snails. Well, that sucks.

Mini plasma cannons meant whoever it was had a lot of firepower and was serious. For a moment, I worried about Goliath because he was Ethan’s friend, but I let go of the feeling immediately. Worrying wouldn’t help anything, and there were other things I needed to focus on.

I caught sight of the craft at the other end of the building before it set down in the large hole in the roof. I wasn’t too surprised they set the vehicle down directly in the building, but it was still not ideal. It would have been a lot easier if they had parked outside. I would feel better if they were separated from their plasma cannons.

“Hold positions.” Emerson’s voice was tight, but I could feel a current of excitement underneath it.

The craft’s engines shut off, plunging the area into near perfect silence. I shifted, ready to move, but Emerson hadn’t given the word yet. I knew he wanted to make sure everything was good before we left the safety of our cover. He was being smart.

“Targets emerging from vehicle.” That was the other voice again, probably someone in the trees on the opposite side.

Seconds ticked away.

“Confirmed: seven hostiles.”
