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“But he’s totally in love with you! Why else would he help you with all of the orders every week?” She bit into aMidnighttriple chocolate cookie as her eyes glanced over at me.

I just smirked at her, crossing my arms over my chest. Yes, the whole internet definitely knew I was smitten with Emma. And I was okay with that.

“He’s a great guy,” Emma said, giving me a soft smile.

That resulted in the girl and her friend squealing and giggling as they walked away.

“That was…” I started, not knowing how to describe it.

“Cute! It was so cute! I love that people are so invested in our relationship,” Emma finished, laughing as she looked at me. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy that seeped under my skin.

“It keeps them on their toes, for sure.” I grinned, looking around us at all of the customers sitting outside or standing, enjoying their cookies.

Emma stood from the table, brushing out the pink skirt she’d worn today. “Come inside?”

I nodded, running into my store to call for one of my employees to work at the table. Then I caught up with her in her store, where she was asking Anne to do the same thing. Emma then grabbed pastries from her case and plated them, bringing them over to a table for us. The doorbell dinged, but her employees would handle it, so she didn’t even look at the door, which was an accomplishment for her.

“I get a danish?” I asked with a wry smile.

“Only because I”m feeling generous,” she teased back. Even after she set them down on the table, she didn’t sit.

I waited, because it looked like she needed to say something.

“I just really appreciate all of it, Liam. Everything that you do to help me. It means more than you could ever know. Those girls just made me think about how I don’t thank you enough, and that you do way too much for me.” She bit her lip nervously, and I just shook my head.

Pulling her to me, I wrapped my arms around her. “You don’t have to thank me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t—”

Suddenly, we were yanked apart, a strong hand pushing against my chest.

Naturally, I felt my anger rise at the action, though I had no idea who did it. Who dared to tough me so aggressively, but, more importantly, touch Emma in such a way?

“Get your hands off of my daughter!” When my vision cleared from my initial anger haze, I saw Emma’s father holding her by the arm, keeping her away from me.

I glared at him, my eyes trained on where he gripped Emma. He dropped his hand and stepped closer to me.

“You have a lot of nerve to put your hands on my daughter again, Ackworth. First, you show up and start a business next to hers, and now you’re trying to win her over?”

“Dad, it’s fine I was—”

“No, Emma. He should know better than to come anywhere near you. Get out of her store. Now.” Everyone in the bakery was silent, and I could feel their eyes on this scene.

“Liam, you don’t have—”

I raised my hands in surrender. “It’s fine, Emma.” I kept my tone neutral, not wanting to cause even more of a scene. The fact that Emma’s father would do something like this in front of her clients was a problem, and I could see the hurt in her eyes. I didn’t want to cause any more trouble for her, so I turned and walked out the front door.



I texted Liam as soon as my father finally left. Dad was content that Liam wouldn’t return, and gave me a lecture about how backstabbing the Ackworth family was. I kept my mouth shut the entire time, frustrated that my dad would care so much after all these years.

What I was really angry about though, was how my dad humiliated me in front of my customers and employees. Everyone in the store had turned and watched as Dad yelled in Liam’s face after forcing us apart. Nothing was more embarrassing than being a twenty-nine year old and having your father yell at you and the guy you’re seeing. It was all I could do to not start crying at that moment.

Liam and I planned to meet up as soon as the event was over and both stores were closed, and I was antsy to get to him. I needed to apologize that my dad would act in such a way and that Liam felt the need to stand down. It was my fault, too, because I should have stepped in and told my father to back off.

I left my employees to close up the store, nearly breaking out into a run to get to Taco Bell, where we’d decided to meet. I was starving and nothing sounded better than suspicious tacos, but I cared more about talking to Liam.

The evening air was cool and breezy as I walked, and I couldn’t help but remember the times that Liam and I would sneak out and run around town all night. They were just like this. The sun was setting, people were milling about, tourists were exploring, and Liam and I were meeting.
