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"Hey, Ethan?"


"I like you too."

I squeal as Ethan climbs on me to plant a kiss on my lips, only we end up smiling too much to kiss properly.

"You're perfect, Olivia."

My breath hitches.


"Yep, perfect for me."


I lay on my bed, surrounded by the comforting scent of fresh laundry and Ethan. I reach out a hand and find the sheets warm, but empty. Ethan must have left recently. I sleepily rise from my blankets and stretch, feeling my joints crack.

A subconscious smile settles on my face, and I graze my fingers against my lips. A chuckle escapes them, and I grab my pillow, hiding my face with it. Ethan is the only man who has ever made me feel so much. He treats me like a princess, like his queen, and pays so much attention to my wants and needs. Our date and what followed had my cheeks burning hot. I have never felt so flustered in such a short time frame as I do when I’m with him.

I’m lucky I have a day off. Ethan isn't as lucky. He had to go for a practice match. It's going to air soon. I rush to wash up and dress in a pair of comfortable pajamas, make myself a light breakfast of cereal and turn on the television.

Ethan woke me up as he was leaving for a kiss goodbye and told me that his match would be aired on NC Sports. I flip through the channels to get to the right one and leave it on as I pick through Ethan's collection of cereals. He sure gets a sugar fix from a lot of chocolate cereal for an athlete.

I smile as I pick one out and sit on the couch.

"Here we are, watching our NBA players break records with a practice play. And here comes our basketball superstar Ethan Reyes! Just look at that shot, straight through the hoop. I'm telling you, folks. It looks like we will have another trophy coming."

The woman's words fly over my head as I watch Ethan play in awe. With how goofy he is at home; I had no idea he could be so focused and fast while playing. I'm not fond of watching sports, but even I can tell his team relies on his direction and expertise. I have to admit, Ethan looks even more attractive with that narrow gaze and those eyes of steel. My heart flutters in my chest.

"He's so cool," I admit.

Suddenly the camera zooms in on Ethan running to the bench and wiping his sweat with a towel. A woman is standing on the bleachers above him, and she leans down to say something. The camera is too far to pick up their voices, but I can see Ethan entertaining a conversation with the woman. A woman who is gorgeous, curvaceous, and elegant.

"Oh, and would you look at that? It looks like Miss Diane; our resident model has come to pay a visit!"

I’m not one to get jealous, but I won't lie, this makes me pay more attention to the screen.

"Well, folks, with beauty like that, Miss Diane is sure to catch a few hearts if she hasn't caught one already. Ethan Reyes looks interested from what I can see. Is there a new celebrity couple on the horizon? We can only hope."

I watch with dazed eyes as Ethan and the woman laugh together, pure happiness flowing from their expressions. I try to fight off my insecurity, but I can't help but think of them together. With their status and looks, they would make a better match than Ethan and me.

"Rumor has it that our superstar invited Miss Diane himself. An attempt to woo her, perhaps?"

The pain is sharp and unforgiving to my heart. Why didn't he invite me to the practice game? After last night, he invited another woman to his game, instead?


"Olivia, I'm home!"

Ethan’s at the door. I spent the day wallowing in my hurt and confusion until it all became too much for me to contain. I run out of my room to face him with less tact than needed.

"Who was that woman?"

Ethan looks confused for a second.
