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I settle into the driver's seat, and we embark on the journey toward my home.

In the end, Olivia had given in, seeing the potential advantages for her gallery. As a result, we find ourselves entangled in a web of conflicting sensations, pretending to be a married couple while battling our real-life emotions.

As we enter the house, the grand doorway of my penthouse welcomes both of us.

"Okay, so how are we doing the fake marriage?" Olivia asks.

"I've been thinking, what if we dress up as a bride and groom and share our pictures on social media? What do you think?" I propose.

"Sure, but where can we find the attire?" she inquires.

"I have a friend who can arrange it for us. I reached out to him earlier, and he's on his way," I inform her.

"Alright. There's one more thing I'd like to mention. We should prepare ourselves for the challenges that will come from the media. We need to stay composed and resilient," she advises. We’ll likely face pressure from the media and our adversaries due to the publicity we'll receive," she adds, acknowledging the potential obstacles.

"Yes!" I affirm, but our conversation is interrupted by the doorbell ringing. It's James, my friend.

"Hey, buddy. What's up?" James greets me as I open the door.

"Everything's going well. How about you?” I reply.

“Never been better. Here are the things you requested,” James says, handing over the bride’s dress and the groom’s tux.

"Are you getting married, by any chance?" James asks curiously.

"No, no. It's actually for a relative," I respond, diverting his attention.

"Alright, man. See you later," James bids farewell and departs.

"Shall we get dressed then?" I suggest to Olivia, eager to embark on this new chapter of our charade.

I put on my suit and wait for Olivia to come out. When she finally does, I’m awe-struck. My eyes gaze on Olivia, radiant in her bridal gown, my pulse racing with expectation. Her delicate body is engulfed by the ivory lace, which brings out her beauty and refinement. Each layer of the dress, which cascades down, whispers of enduring romance and realized aspirations. The minute her bright grin fills the room, I realize I’m the luckiest guy alive, even if this is a fake marriage.

“Olivia, you look beautiful!” I say as I stare at her.

“Take a picture fast. This dress is heavy as fuck,” Olivia says.

I position my phone on the couch, ensuring it captures the perfect angle as I take selfies of Olivia and me in various poses. One of us standing together, another with a tender kiss, and the last with me playfully pretending to propose. With excitement bubbling inside me, I open Instagram and upload the pictures, accompanied by a caption that reads, "Finally married."

Within minutes, a flood of likes and comments inundates my Instagram handle, indicating the immediate attention our post has garnered. Relatives begin calling, their curiosity piqued, but I switch off my phone to bask. The news of our faux nuptials spreads like wildfire, catching the attention of major media outlets, who already start publishing articles about our ‘marriage’.

"Prominent billionaire and esteemed basketball player ties the knot with art gallery owner. Is it a genuine union or a well-crafted facade?"

Olivia's art gallery also starts to get reach. People start buying more tickets for her gallery, and her gallery starts seeing newcomers.

"It's working, Olivia!" I say with happiness.

"Indeed, it is," she replies.

She raises an eyebrow at me as her eyes glisten with unsaid messages. "I never imagined I would discover love in such an unusual way. But Ethan, I have faith in us. Our love may rise above the facade and become something lovely."

At that moment, I know we are starting a journey that will go much beyond what we had first anticipated, surrounded by the comfort of our house and the sincerity of our feelings. Our fictitious union has evolved into a vehicle for real love, demonstrating the complexity of interpersonal relationships.



Ican’thelpbutgasp in awe as I stand in front of the full-length mirror and adjust the beautiful lace veil that decorates my flowing white gown. I'm not sure what's going to happen between Ethan and me during our fake marriage, but I do know that I'm starting to develop real feelings for him. And I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it if we have to keep pretending to be together. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy the ride. Ethan is a great guy, and I'm having a lot of fun with him. And who knows? One day, our pretended relationship might turn into something real.
