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"I'm not joking, Olivia. I'm deadly serious," I assert firmly.

"What... What are you suggesting? How can we enter into a fake marriage?" she asks, her voice filled with anxiety.

"Don't worry, Olivia. It won't be an official arrangement. This fake marriage will remain strictly between us," I reassure her, trying to ease her concerns.

"So, what's the point of it if we're not involving any of our relatives?" she questions, seeking clarification on the benefits of such a plan.

I can see the surprise flashing in her eyes as the words hang. I can't blame her. I hasten to explain before she can completely reject the concept. "I know it seems strange, but bear with me. A fake marriage between us could bring in the attention that your gallery needs as it struggles to attract visitors. It would enable me to demonstrate my commitment to you and promote your business at the same time. "

"Yes, I understand that, but do you honestly think people will be convinced?" she questions, her doubt evident in her tone.

"Without a doubt!" I assert confidently.

Olivia furrows her brow and I sense her hesitation. "But Ethan, a fake marriage? Isn't that... deceitful?"

My eyes concentrate on her as I take her hand. "Olivia, I recognize your anxiety. And if I didn't truly care about you, I would never recommend something like this. The goal here is to publicize your art gallery making it popular than ever before.”

She gives my statement some thought, and as she does, her face softens with a mix of understanding and compassion. "Ethan, I... I need some time to consider it. There is a lot here to process."

"Of course," I reply, squeezing her hand. "Take all the time you require. So that you know, I'm dedicated to making this work whichever way we decide to go."

She rises from the chair and departs, beauty radiating from her retreating figure, her hair cascading and dancing in the air as she swings open the door to exit the shop.

Determined to do whatever it takes to be with Olivia, I decide to finish Anna's coffee, savoring each sip as the caffeine bolsters my courage. I look at my watch, it has been more than thirty minutes of me sitting alone at the coffee shop since Olivia left me.

Just as I take the final gulp of the coffee, a notification sound pierces the air, capturing my attention. It's Olivia.

"I’ve been thinking about it, and think I’ve made a decision. Can you come out for a second?" Olivia's message reads.

I ponder upon her message for a while before deciding to leave the shop. As I begin to leave, the barista comes rushing down toward me.

"Hey... you forgot to pay for the coffee," he pants, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, my apologies. I assumed the ladies had taken care of it," I reply, quickly opening my wallet only to find a mere $10 inside. "Here, keep the change," I offer, hurrying, making my way out of the shop.

Why would she need me to come out? My thoughts start to consume me as I start to take big steps to exit. As soon as I exit, a figure emerges from behind and hugs me tightly. It's Olivia, her smell. Ahhh!

"What's going on?" I ask, utterly perplexed by the situation unfolding.

"I initially decided to go back home to contemplate our fake marriage, but the moment I left, my mind changed. Ethan, I'm content with pursuing this fake marriage with you," she confesses.

"You are?" I exclaim in astonishment, pulling her into another embrace. I place a soft kiss on her lips, but she responds with a passionate kiss, pressing me against the wall. The nearby onlookers begin hurling disparaging remarks at us.

"What repulsive individuals," one of them mutters.

"Do that in private, for heaven's sake," another chimed in.

"I hope you two break up," spews someone, their words igniting a spark of annoyance within me.

"I think we should stop," I suggest, trying to defuse the situation. "Would you like a ride to my place?"

"Absolutely!" she enthusiastically agrees.

I hurry toward my car and open the door for Olivia.

"Thank you, babe," she expresses her gratitude.

I respond with a smile, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation for the moments that lay ahead.
