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He continues," We had a very simple wedding because we both wanted it that way. We agreed upon it for our own sake, and we don't need to explain that to anyone. We have planned a wedding ceremony with all our friends and family, but not too soon. We will be posting our pictures of the wedding we had very soon. I think we are done here, and I owe no more explanation to anyone".

He takes me with him, dispersing the crowd and getting into the car. It was hell for both of us, as we had never expected anything like that to come to us when we decided fake marriage.

Till we reach home, we don't exchange a word. Instead, we remain silent, both of us drowned in the complexity of our thoughts and processing it internally.

It was not a pleasant ending to the event, but I am glad he turned out to be a responsible and mature person today. I didn't find him unconcerned at all. Rather, he dealt with the situation in a great way. I was full of doubts before he stood up for me. I thought it was just a game to him but it's not.

Every word of his sounded true, and the reassurance he gave me while we were facing it cleared every doubt in my mind.

I love him, and today, I saw love in his eyes, too. Sometimes we misunderstand love and consider it to be just the words we utter, but in reality, it's how you handle the other person and show your care for them. It's how you stand by their side and let them know that you're never going to leave. That is true love.



Iwakeupnextto Olivia, who sleeps soundly. I sneak out of bed because I have no intention of waking her up. I am well aware that whatever happened yesterday has disturbed her a lot. I had never anticipated anything like that happening, and neither did she. At least now she knows that she means a lot to me, and I'm never going to leave her side. We haven't spoken since we returned from the event.

I know it is over, but somehow, we are both deeply shaken, and I have to fix things. I hop in the shower to freshen up before I wake her. The cool water falls on me, and every part of my body relaxes, and I am re-energized. I want her in the shower right now with me so I can fuck her. One day has changed so much between us. I miss her lips over mine, and the way her soft skin acts as a runway for my fingers and hands.

I enjoy the cool shower with warm feelings for her in my heart. I find it hard to make her understand my feelings for her because I don't really have a good reputation in this regard. She still believes that I'm a playboy, I suppose. I'm still hopeful that I can win her over one day and remove every inch of remaining doubt.

After my shower, I step out and change to get ready to prepare breakfast. When the doorbell rings, I head toward the kitchen, leaving the eggs, cheese, and bread on the counter.

I open the door and freeze, because I know what is coming next. Aiden is standing before me, looking straight into my eyes, demanding answers. I let him in and close the door, and he proceeds inside, not uttering a single word. I stand in front of me, ready to take whatever is coming.

He yells, "Why the fuck did you do it, Ethan? Why? I need answers".

I know he is enraged, and none of my explanations will be enough to cool him down. It definitely is hard for him to absorb it, and that is comprehensible.

He waits for my answer but doesn't get one, so he continues, "I had never imagined that you would ever betray me. You were my best friend, damn it. How could you do this to me? I trusted you. Do you understand that? Do you even have the slightest idea of how much damage you have caused to our friendship? I should never have trusted you. I still can't believe that you have been fucking my sister all along. I knew you were a playboy: You must be playing with my sister, too. She doesn't even know who you really are. You trapped my innocent sister."

His chest heaves as he continues speaking, revealing his stress and anger. His eyes are bloodshot, and he looks miserable: Never have I ever seen him in such a wretched state, and at this moment, I feel guilty. I don't exactly understand why. What am I guilty of? Guilty of loving her? Is that a crime? This is the first time I have felt so much for someone and loved anyone immensely, but I don't understand why it comes off as a crime or something I should be guilty of. As far as Aiden is concerned, I never considered betraying him: I could never imagine doing that.

I still remember our days in high school together. We made rules regarding our friendship, and if anyone broke any rule were subject to penalty. Whatever happened, we stuck together. That was rule they number one, and it was the most important rule. Betrayal was not even an option for us.

Now, our friendship circulates in my mind, and I question myself. Have I really betrayed him? Have I broken the rules well established in our friendship? What exactly did I do wrong here?

He still stands there as my mind whirls around all these questions.

I'm in a position where on the one side, if I choose him, I will lose the love of my life, and on the contrary, if I choose her, I will lose my best friend. What a crossroad it is. Both are important to me, but I have to choose one as I am not given any other option than this. He looks at me, understanding the inner turmoil he has just dragged me into and wants answers.

He says, "I don't know how I will be able to trust anyone again. How can I call anyone my brother after what you did? You clearly broke the rules that sustained our friendship. You didn't leave a single chance of us staying close. You took away my brother from me, and I am never going to forgive you."

I gather some courage to answer him. "I'm well aware that no explanation I give you will be of any use or soothe you in any way. I know how you must be feeling right now and how devastating it is for you. It's definitely hard for you to absorb, but my intentions were never to hurt you. I never wanted to break your trust, and honestly, I did nothing to hurt you. I love her. I genuinely do: Just know that. If you think I did it to just sleep with her, then you're wrong. This time, you're misjudging me: I'm not that playboy anymore. You need to trust me on this."

None of my words cool him down. Rather, he's even angrier.

He grabs my collar and says, "Fuck trust. I don't even want to see you anymore. You bastard".

"Stop it, Aiden. What the fuck are you doing?" A voice grabs our attention.

It's her. The grip on my collar loosens with her words, and my neck is set free. She is straight out of bed, which is evident by her messy hair and puffy face. She must have heard Aiden yelling. On her face, I see she is not pleased to see him here doing all this. She steps down the stairs and confronts him.

I don't want this to happen. I don't want her to have to choose between us and make him even more miserable. He doesn't want to listen to any of our explanations right now. Instead, he is here to let his rage out on us in any way.

She says, "What do you think you're doing? Is it a way to behave? That is unimaginable".

Aiden says, "Instead of being ashamed of what you have done, you have the audacity to shut me up instead? Don't you think you owe me an explanation? You're my sister, and I can't imagine that my sister did this to me. I don't think you actually know who he is".
