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Never did I ever think that this would ever happen, that our bond would intensify to this extent. I kiss her lips, and again, we share a passionate kiss as our hands explore each other's bodies. Our hearts know the intensity of our love, and we follow what our hearts say. She places her head on my chest and sleeps right there, encaged in my arms, while my mind whirls around many thoughts till I sleep.


Every day seems like a fresh start, and our bond gets stronger. Olivia has been my support system since the day we met, and she has made me feel loved. When I was struggling with my game, she was there to support me and didn't let me lose my confidence in myself. It's amazing to see how we are impacting each other this way, and that makes me want to be by her side through thick and thin, making her feel as supported as she does me. This is how a healthy relationship works.

It's not just expecting from the other person, but also providing them with everything they need in terms of love, support, care, and affection. I know we will both be better halves of each other, which fills my heart with relief and satisfaction. The bond I share with Olivia is so pure and genuine that I fall in love with her more every single day.

When I get home, I find her sleeping in the bed peacefully. I sit beside her, brush her hair off her face, and kiss her. I love to watch her sleep so peacefully. She looks like an angel. I see a tear drying at the end of her eye, which shocks me. I don't know what made her cry. I wasn't expecting this at all.

My brain shakes from the idea of her being in any kind of trouble. What if she's upset with me over something? I hope not. This makes me worried, and I want to wake her up to find out what's happened. I keep looking at her, wondering what's going on in her head.

I lie beside her and curl around her body, till she wakes up. I run my fingers in her hair which doesn't disturb her sleep. The clouds thunder outside, grabbing my attention and indicating that it's about to rain. The window is open, and a cold breeze slides in, making the room cool. The change in room temperature is sudden and noticeable, and it makes me want to cover myself with a blanket. I slip out of bed to get some extra covers from the cupboard.

When I bring them, I find her waking up. Still, I cover her with the sheets and get in with her. She seems off.

I ask her, "Babe, are you ok? Is there any problem? You seem so off. Just let me know what's wrong, please. I'm worried for you, my love. You know you have me, right? And I have your back".

She says in a light tone, "I know that babe! There's nothing wrong. It's just that I feel a bit low".

"No, I know something is bothering you. Something is eating you up. Just talk it out. I'm with you," I tell her.

"My art gallery was my dream, and I don't know what to do now. You know... my art's closed. I don't know how it happened. I received a notice few days back for my gallery's closure. There is someone trying to take over and he's used his immense power to close it. I've put so much effort into establishing myself. I burnt the midnight oil to make it successful. My whole effort has been wasted. I don't know how to cope with it. I can't see it all ruined and collapsing. I have no idea what has just happened," she says with her tears clogged in her throat.

I'm even more concerned now. How can all this happen? I need to know the details. I can't see her breaking and falling.

I ask, "Tell me the details. How and when did it happen? Who exactly is behind it and why?".

She catches her breath and says, "We're going to have an art exhibition in the coming week. I participated in it too and my art gallery was to host the event. Hosting that event won't only boost business but also create an influence in the world in which my art exists. The person I told you about sent some people today when I was in the gallery, and they insisted. I shut it down. I had few employees with me, but otherwise I was alone and terrified. They broke the windows just to show their power. I couldn't report it because I didn't want unwanted attention, as that could destroy my gallery's reputation. I stayed quiet, but later, I received threatening calls not to host the show and keep my art gallery closed. I have put so much effort into it. My reputation along with those of the other artists would be greatly damaged if I don't. My whole career is at stake, and that's eating me up inside."

"Why didn't you tell me before", I ask.

She says, "I didn't know it will be on this extent and I didn't want to bother you".

I listen to her attentively while making her comfortable in my arms, "Don't worry about it. Leave it to me and just start preparing for the event. You're going to host it, no matter what they say, and no one on earth can stop you from doing it. Just be confident and go with it. Just know that I got your back, ok?".

Her eyes sparkle, and I love seeing how relaxed she is with my words. All her worries have gone. She trusts me, and she knows that I will help her out in every possible way. Enthusiastically, she gets up and makes important phone calls for event management. Her energy is back, and she knows I will handle it. Now, it's for me to help her out and ensure her event is successful.

I take the information of the person who is behind this. It turns out he's a competitor of Olivia's trying to interfere, and I know just how to tackle people like him. I forward all the details to an acquaintance who is going to deal with him. He is not going to affect Olivia in any way going forward.

On the event day, I hire some friends in the field of security to look after her. With every possible effort, I make sure her event is a success by being her pillar she can lean on. I offer her help in arranging the event, and what makes me happiest is the event's influence on people. Everyone admires her gallery, and thanks to the media coverage I have sponsored, it's gained much attention and fame.

I see her standing amid the crowd, the center of attention and the queen of the event, beaming with happiness and proud of herself. I'm proud of her, too, and I know she will be a very successful artist. I can see that already, not just because I love her, but because she has it in her, the spark and the shine of a star make me love her even more.



I'mtheluckiestwomanon earth with, Ethan by my side. I don't even have to ask for anything in my hour of need. He's there to give everything, every bit of support and love. He offers me all of himself, and if that isn't love, then what is? I stand among the people who ask me how I managed to host such a grand event, and most of them praise my art gallery.

It wasn't just me who pulled this off. Ethan endlessly supported me and made sure that whatever I did is a success. From arranging the event, he was there, and he did everything he could to make sure it was the best event ever.

Within a day, he replaced the broken glass and renovated my whole art gallery with his task force. He's influential, and his acquaintances are just like him, powerful and resourced. One phone call was enough to arrange everything, and he lifted my whole bundle of worries. He was busier than I was for the event I was hosting.

Ethan never made me feel alone in any way. He made me feel supported, and that was enough for me to gain the confidence and courage to do everything and bring all my creativity and effort into organizing the event. He is fond of art himself and encourages me to work on it. It's a satisfying feeling to have someone who is interested in your interests and supports you in your dreams. This draws me closer to him and makes me fall in love with him even harder.

The event was successful, and my art gallery became even more famous. The live media coverage and invitations to very important people were all arranged by him. He knew that if he invited such influential people, the event itself would become important and it would bring in more attention and people. I wasn't even expecting it to be such an event, but he made it all possible.

He lifted my career up when it was falling and saved me from breaking and shattering into pieces. The immense amount of support I got from him is something I might not ever be able to thank him enough for. He deserves the world because he is a gentleman and a loving person.
