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The event is over, and now we're home. I'm so happy and overwhelmed that I have no idea what to do and what not to do. He buys me my favorite lilies and takes me for dinner at a fancy restaurant.

It is a peaceful place with a very handful of people. As it is late at night, the atmosphere feels incredible, and it's better to opt for outdoor sitting. The white chairs are all placed around the tables in a balanced way, making the place appear well-arranged. The aroma of the delicious food enters my nostrils and makes me crave food. Ethan and I are tired from the hectic day and are super hungry. He's happier than me, and I can see it on his face and his smile, which doesn't fade for a slight moment.

His hair falls on his forehead, making him appear even more handsome. We sit in front of each other, and our eyes lock. We look at each other, not ready to break our eye contact even for a second, and I find it quite romantic until the waiter comes and asks us to place an order which shifts our attention.

We ask the waiter for a few minutes to decide on the order, and I see Ethan's expression changing along with his color. I know something will happen, but I need to figure out what. A person comes up with a young lady, and it looks as if they are a couple. I have no idea what's happening, and I just keep looking at Ethan for further information.

Ethan doesn't look entirely happy with the arrival of this couple, and I still need clarification about it.

The man says, "So, how are you? It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I'm pretty sure you don't care about me at all".

Ethan replies uninterestedly, "You're right. I don't give a fuck about you. I don't care where you are, or even if you are alive or dead, because for me, you exist no more, and I would like it to continue in this way."

The man looks unimpressed by Ethan's reply, and the woman just listens to them without even being bothered about anything. I still have no clue who these strangers are, and getting seated with us, on our private table, very comfortably is clearly unwelcomed.

The man says, "So, how is your mom? I have no idea where she is."

"Is that even of your concern in any way? You should just focus on your life and your family, which you obviously are. Just don't bother yourself with us. We don't need you, obviously," Ethan replies.

The man looks at me and says, "So you have gotten married, it appears. You should at least introduce me to her. I think she deserves to know me. I'm just here to mend our".

Ethan doesn't let him finish and says, "I don't think we want to have dinner anymore. You both can enjoy yourselves, of course".

We leave as soon as these words come out of his mouth. I still need clarification with my mind generating a thousand questions. Ethan treats me roughly as if I did something wrong. He stays quiet the whole time, not even saying a word as we drive. We reach home, and he's still silent. I have no idea why he's so disturbed by that man talking to us.

I know he shares some past with him but what exactly? I hold him from behind to get romantic to calm him down, hoping that would change his mood, but it does quite the contrary.

He yells, "What is the problem with you, woman? Can't you see I'm not in the mood for anything? I don't want you around. I don't want anyone right now. Just go away! Just go away! I deserve to be alone and am made to be alone and abandoned by the people I love. You should leave me, too. You have the option right now. You know what? I don't want anything anymore. You can just leave. Leave!".

I freeze right there as I have no idea what I did wrong and why he is leaving me. My brain can't process it all because I'm still confused about what has him so upset that he is ready to leave me. I stand right there in shock, trying to comprehend the situation.

I gain the courage to say, " I have no idea what happened. Just know one thing, I am not leaving, and I will stay with you forever. I never came to abandon you, and you can't force me to do so. I'm here, Ethan, and I love you a lot. You don't want to see me right now; I'm going out of the room".

I pick up my pillow, as he comes to me and says, "It is not you, Olivia. It has nothing to do with you. That pathetic man enraged me so much that I lost my mind. You don't know what he has done to me and my mother. He abandoned us when we needed him the most. My mother was dying of cancer when he married a woman half his age. He left my mother dying in pain, and I was just a boy back then.

I saw my father turning away from us and abandoning us, so what do you think I should expect from others when my father did this to me? It took me years to gather myself and love someone, but today, when I saw that man, that trauma returned, again. I lost faith in love, and I just wanted to shut down everyone in my life because that man made me not trust in love anymore. I have this constant fear of losing loved ones, which he triggered today, and I just wanted you to go away".

"You know what Ethan? I understand every bit of it. I know what you have been through, and it is pathetic. I just want you to forget him and erase him from the chapters of your life. I'm never abandoning you, and I will love you till my last breath. Now you have me, and you don't need anyone. Just promise me that you will never think of your past and that man. You deserve to be loved and taken care of, and I'm here to give you everything because you deserve it all. I love you more than you can imagine," I tell him.

He hugs me tight and accepts whatever I say. He knows I will never leave him, and today, he wards off every bit of his past from his mind and starts over with me a beautiful and love-filled life.



I'mstandingnexttoOlivia in her humming art space, surrounded by vivid paintings, sculptures, and the heady aroma of creation. For both of us, this location has evolved into a refuge where our interests converge and our love blossoms. We are working together, supporting one another, and enjoying the romantic life we have created in this exact location today, just like every other day.

As Olivia carefully arranges a selection of fragile ceramics on a display shelf, her sweet laughter permeates the space. Her elegance, brilliant smile that melts my heart, and unfailing faith in me spellbound me. Our love has become stronger daily, and this gallery is now a monument of how much we care for one another.

I'm watching Olivia when her phone rings, startling us from our thoughts. She answers the phone after glancing at the caller ID and making a slight wrinkle between her brows.

"Hey, Anna," she greets.

"I'm fine. How are you?" Anna replies.

"Wait... what?" Anna exclaims, caught off guard by the sudden revelation.

Her comments have a surprised, worried edge as her voice becomes more tense.
