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"Oh, my God. You're right. Now, that’s adorable. Their love is very admirable because if you see here, she’s lost looking at him, too. Damn, what I wouldn't give to have someone look at me the way these two look at each other."

"I agree and I believe we can finally let these two be. I have heard many absurd rumors about them but looking at the evidence we have here, I see that those were all mindless and jealous accusations. I hope these two enjoy a long time together."

"We will now take a short break. Don't leave and continue watching BM TV."

Olivia and I watch as the channel welcomes a commercial break. I feel Olivia stare at me smugly.

"I told you. We shouldn't have to hide our truth because of some jealous lies. If we’re true to each other and ourselves, there’s no way the world won't see it, too."

I smile and stretch my limbs, weeks of tension lifting all at once, and wrap an arm around Olivia's shoulders, pulling her close. I nuzzle my nose against her neck and press a soft kiss there.

"I love you. You’re always right. I’ll never say no to you again. I’ll always trust your judgment."

Olivia laughs as I continue tickling her neck.

"Ethan, stop! Stop, already or I'll die."

I lift my head from her neck and push her down on her back to rest my head on her chest, feeling her heartbeat against my ear. Both of us lay on the couch like this, comfortable and serene.

"Well, we can't have that. I love you too much to let you go."

Olivia combs her fingers through my hair, lulling me to sleep.

"I love you too."



TodayisEthan’sbiggame, the season's grand finale, and I’ve been watching him prepare for it for months. And now, when it has finally arrived, my heart aches to see him so mentally unsettled because of our recent problems. Last night, I could feel him twist and turn around in bed, unable to sleep. And the worst part is, I don’t know how to set this right. How can I convince him that he’ll ace the game regardless of the unsolicited rumors flying around aimlessly? I don’t know how I will do that, but I will do it somehow. He has done so much for me; This is the least I can do for him.

I walk to the kitchen and check the clock. It’s seven in the morning, and Ethan is sitting in his gym outfit, dripping in sweat. He’s gulping down his protein shake without taking a breath.

“Hey, hey, hey! You’ll choke on it!” I say, running up to him and taking his empty flask away. Guess he beat me to it.

Ethan smiles at me, wiping the leftover shake clinging to his beautifully sculpted lips. Oh God. I look up from his lips, and I think he catches me staring because now, instead of the shake, a sly smirk is clinging to his lips.

“Why? Are you worried I would die before my big game?”

“No. But dying because of choking on your protein shake sounds pathetic.” I roll my eyes at him, and he laughs at my response.

“You went for practice this early?” I ask, feigning nonchalance.

“Yeah. I couldn’t sleep all night, so I thought, why not go practice.” he says but doesn’t look at me.

“Oh…the game is at five, right?”

“Yep.” Still not making eye contact.

I open my mouth to offer some words of comfort, but before I can do so, he stands and walks to the bedroom before giving me a small smile. Dammit Olivia.


It is three now, and we’re in the car; Ethan is beside me, revving the engine, his lips tightly sealed to their core. I wonder what he is thinking so hard about. I look down at his strong arms and his hands, which are gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles are turning bone white.

I take in a shaky breath and extend my hand until it touches his. As soon as the contact happens, chills run through my spine, and Ethan looks at our hands and then at me, slightly shocked and slightly curious. He doesn’t say anything; He just keeps driving, but he loosens his grip on the steering wheel.

I look straight ahead on the road but don’t take my hand off of his. I arrange words in my mind and start speaking.
