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"I'm so proud of you."

She smiles as she wraps her arms around me, and I hug her back. We'll get through this. I'll make sure of it.


The days pass with more speculation hounding us. It becomes especially unbearable when new photographs of us surface. I’m used to being under the watchful eye of a lens of a camera, but my worries get worse for Olivia. She has never faced, nor does she have the security to protect her from stalking photographers. My worries proved to be right when I get an emergency call from her, asking me to pick her up from the mall where she had hidden herself in the bathroom because she noticed a man following her.

I took record time reaching there and bringing her to my apartment. After that, I hired a security detail assigned to Olivia's safety. At first, Olivia wasn't keen on me adding security to her gallery, but I suppose she understood my fears and accepted them.

I receive reports from her security manager on a daily basis. They’re good at their job. The number of photographers and stalkers increases and cause my worries to get worse. I settle Olivia next to me on the couch for a discussion waiting to happen.

"Can you take a few days off from working at the gallery?"

Olivia looks at me as if I said something stupid.


I shrug and refuse to look away from the table.

"I just think you can work from home for a while."

I spare a glance at Olivia and find her looking at me, unamused.

"I’m the owner of the gallery, Ethan. We have many visitors lately, and our gallery needs to be up to the mark."

"I’m not undermining your hard work, Olivia. But I feel as if all these new patrons have ulterior motives."

Olivia looks away and folds her arms.

"I’m not stupid or unaware enough to not notice people taking more pictures of me than the art I display. However, I refuse to let these people dictate how I live my life. I will not hide away in my home if I'm capable of working. They may be annoying, but they’re harmless, and with the security you have provided me with, I dare them to try anything."

I drag my hands over my face, wiping away the sweat and exhaustion.

"Please don't dare these people to do anything. They’re bad enough as it is. There is no need for them to get worse."

Olivia giggles as she walks to the fridge and pours two glasses of juice.

"We can't show these people we’re scared of them, Ethan. If we do, what's stopping them from pushing the limits even more? What's stopping them from creating even more ridiculous rumors? We need to show them that we’re not scared. We’re happy together, and nothing they say can tear us apart."

I stare at Olivia in shock and smile in bewilderment.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my Olivia?"

Olivia grins and hands me a glass which I take gratefully.

"Let's say she learned a thing or two from her boyfriend."

We grin, clinking our glasses together and taking a sip.

"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?"



"Well folks, here is another update on our latest couple. Ethan Reyes and his wife were seen at a local museum, admiring the arts and history. As you can see, they held hands throughout the entire tour and were seen having many discussions about the displayed pieces. What are your views on this, Jane?”

"Well, Mary, considering that the girlfriend is the owner of an art gallery herself, she may have many things to teach our superstar. And as you can see from the many pictures taken, it seems that Ethan is more interested in watching his wife than the art she is trying to explain."
