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It's usually fun going out with them as we are very similar and have the same interests as art.

I get up to get ready and go to the gallery as I have told them to meet me there. I dress up in jeans and a top and tie my hair in a high pony as I rush to get there. The girls are already there waiting for me.

Phebe comments, “Hello, girl! How are you? You look so pretty."

“Oh, thank you, Phebe. And yeah, I'm glad you guys made this plan. It was a much-needed break, though. So yeah! How are you all?” I ask them.

Rachel says, “It's all good. We just got an off today, so I thought to spend the time with you. I love this place, though. It's so calm and serene.”

“Exactly," Jenna remarks, "The vibe is so good, and anyone would just want to spend the whole day here. It's so tranquil."

I take them to the tables placed for guests to sit and order pizza from the nearby restaurant, and this is mostly our hang-out. We chit-chat, and it’s the therapy we all need.

I tell them about Ethan and how things have been building between us, and the happiness he has brought to me. They tell me how lucky I am to have a guy like him in my life.

I understand this too and I know how great a couple we make, and the bond we share is so pure and strong. Thinking about Ethan leads me to call him, but still, no one picks up. My heart starts throbbing over time. While the girls were around, it was easier to ward off the negative thoughts, but now that they've left, my tension grows, and I start worrying more for him. I just hope he's safe and not in any kind of trouble. I try to concentrate on work while my heart still wants him. This is how love is; you worry for the person every second, and you physically feel the pain.

I'm just too scared to lose him, and I can’t let go of my happiness. All my happiness is associated with him. I try again to contact him, but it's in vain. It's time for me to go back home. I pack all the stuff and close the gallery.

As I step out of the building, I see clouds clustering up in the sky. Dark and heavy clouds accompanied by a cool breeze. I really miss him right now, and not having him here makes my heart constrict.


I reach home after some time, feeling low and tired. I haven’t changed when I go to the kitchen to make coffee. I open the cabinet and find a letter there that says,

If you're reading this letter, you must be going to make yourself coffee. I was sure about it, that's why I kept the letter here. Not finding me around in the morning must have upset you to a great extent, but I had some really important work to do and a few errands to run. I hope you aren't mad at me. So now, I don’t exactly know when you're reading this letter but note that I will be back at five in the evening so just get ready till then. Sharp five. Keep in mind, please. I will be there.

Love you a lot!

See you then!


I look at the clock and find it striking four fifteen, and I'm left with only forty-five minutes. I was mad at him, but now I find it cute, and it makes me fall in love with him even more, seeing this cute version of him. I still don’t know what all this is and why I must get ready at five, but I'm already running short of time, so I stop thinking and get ready before he arrives.

I plan to get in the shower first to get fresh and neat. I pick my purple silk gown, which gives both a decent and glamorous look. I match my silver heels with it. The outfit looks perfect. I get ready hastily, blow-drying my hair and styling it according to my outfit. I pin it up in a loose bun letting a few loose curls hang down on both sides of my face.

I put on minimal makeup for a subtle look and look pretty too. I don’t understand why my pulse has increased, and I'm actually nervous. I look at the clock again, and I am just left with ten minutes. Shit! I wind up everything and finish up my last touches. I hurry, and then I'm done.

I take a final look in the mirror, and it looks perfect. I have chosen the diamond necklace he gave me on my birthday. It suits my look perfectly. I'm ready now, and he's about to arrive.

The car honks outside the house and I rush outside. He's waiting for me in the car. As soon as he sees me, a smile flashes on his face. It already tells me that I look pretty. He starts the car without telling. where we're going. When I try to get it out of me, he still doesn't say a word.

After almost fifteen minutes, we reach a secluded place, a beautiful garden. As I step out of the car, he holds my hand and guides me where he wants me. I'm still confused and unable to comprehend what's happening.

And there it is, the lavish decoration he has put together with lights and candles and so much more. Before I can understand what's going to happen, he kneels down and holds out a black velvety ring box with a diamond ring sparkling in it. Oh? So... he's proposing to me? Oh my God.

“Olivia! I have waited for this day for so long, and now finally, the day has arrived when I ask you if you will marry me. I want to spend my whole life with you and if you say yes, that will be the happiest moment of my life. I love you so much and I want you to be a part of my life,” he says.

And tears sting my eyes.

“I love you too, and yes, I will marry you. I, too, want to spend my life with you, and nothing can be better than this. So yes, I'm up for being your life partner and always be with you.”

He hugs me, and in front of the pretty decoration, we stand there holding each other, cherishing our love.


