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Eagernessandwarmthpermeatethe air as a new day begins. The rays of the sun jolt me awake as it shines through the curtains. The realization that I will start on a once-in-a-lifetime trip with Olivia, the love of my life, strikes me again as I extend my limbs and wipe my eyes from any remaining sleep.

I turn my gaze toward Olivia, and her peaceful slumber is disrupted as I caress her cheek. Her eyes flutter open.

"Hey, you're awake," I say softly.

"Good morning, beautiful," she whispers, still half in dreamland.

"How was your sleep, babe?" I inquire.

She lifts her head, propping it up with her arm.

"Pretty good. I kept dreaming about your proposal. It's all swirling in my mind right now," she replies with a smile.

"Aww," I murmur, leaning in for a tender kiss on her lips.

"I'm just going to freshen up, okay?" I inform her.

"Meanwhile, I'll catch a few more winks," she says, already drifting back to sleep.

I slide out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. The cool water cascades over me, prompting thoughts of our upcoming wedding day with Olivia. Soon, I'll be able to call her mine.

After the refreshing shower, I step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. Olivia is still deeply immersed in her slumber. I dry myself off and select casual attire—a white t-shirt and black pants.

Drawing closer to Olivia, I stroke her shoulder to rouse her from her slumber once again.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty. Time to wake up," I say, rubbing her shoulder.

She doesn't respond for a moment, but with a slightly firmer stroke, she jolts awake. The sheet covering her body slips away, revealing her bare breasts. An intense desire surges through me, but I quickly rein in my emotions.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, and I apologize.”

She hums, her eyes still closed.

"Come on, Olivia. Wake up. We have a lot of preparations to make," I say, my tone becoming more serious.

"Yeah, I'm getting up," she murmurs.

"Alright, no more sleeping. I'll make us some coffee," I announce, heading towards the kitchen.

In the quiet of the morning, the rhythmic sound of heating water and the soft clinking of coffee cups reverberate. I gently pour the black elixir that lifts our spirits into the cups, filling them with rich, delicious coffee. Olivia comes over to join me, her eyes still groggy from sleep but with a twinkle of eagerness in them.

The topic of our chat shifts to wedding preparations as we take a seat in our inviting breakfast nook with our warm coffee cups in our hands. We take a drink, allowing the enticing beverage to stimulate our senses and ideas.

"I can't believe we are actually going to marry," Olivia says excitedly, yet nervousness grabs her face.

I take her hand. "I know, Olivia. I’m as excited as you are, but we have a lot of preparations to do," I say.

"We should start with your brother, shouldn’t we?" she says.

"Absolutely," I say.

Olivia nods as she dials her brother's number from her phone.

"Here you go," she says as she hands it to me. The ringing tone echoes in the room as my anticipation rises, waiting for Aiden's reaction.

"Hey, Olivia," Aiden greets.

"Hey, Aiden. It's Ethan speaking," I reply.
