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"Sounds good," Olivia responds.

"By the way, are you planning to invite your father?" Olivia asks, and as soon as I hear his name, my demeanor changes, and anger boils up inside me.

"No, I won't. He doesn't deserve it," I tell her. "I can't stand that man. He's a disgusting human being."

"Okay, Ethan, calm down. It's just that this is such a significant event, and our parents usually play an important role," Olivia says, trying to reassure me.

"I know, but that man disgusts me," I say, my anger still lingering.

"Let's not let it ruin our day. You wanted to look at venues, right?" Olivia suggests shifting the focus.

"Yeah, I completely forgot," I admit, opening my phone to search for wedding venues.

"How about this one?" Olivia points at a hall.

"Um... no. I'm looking for something more open," I respond.

"What about this one?" she suggests.

"Better, but my heart isn't fully convinced yet," I reply, wanting to find the perfect venue.

My attention is drawn to a specific picture as we scan through the available options—a seaside wedding setting that immediately makes me feel sentimental.

"Olivia, look at this," I exclaim, excitement evident in my voice. "A beach wedding is going to be absolutely stunning!"

"Ethan, that's gorgeous!" Olivia responds, her eyes lighting up.

"Should we go and check it out?" I suggest.

"Yeah, absolutely," Olivia agrees, her enthusiasm matching mine.

As Olivia and I walk toward the beach wedding destination, the sun is shining beautifully, and we are both filled with excitement. Our hopes will come true today when we set foot in the location where the climax of our love tale will occur.

We walk along the sandy road, leaving traces of our steps as we open a new chapter in our lives. We are accompanied by the soft sound of waves crashing, providing a musical background to our journey of love and fidelity. The saltwater air tickles our faces while we make enchanted party promises.

The setting unfolds in front of us like a magnificent vision. Towering palm trees shake, creating amusing shadows on the golden beach. The air is filled with the sound of seagulls, whose cries blend with our own laughter to create a beautiful symphony of pleasure and nature.

"Should we lock this venue?" I inquired, turning to Olivia.

"I think we should," Olivia replies with a smile. "It's the perfect place for our wedding."

I go to the owner of the venue and proceed to book it for our special day just one week from now.

After making the reservation, I take Olivia to her mother's home while reminiscing with her about the day's findings. Olivia turns to face me as she approaches the entrance, her eyes glistening with eagerness.

I offer her a comforting grin as I feel the burden of our trip softly drop from my shoulders. "Olivia, you can handle this. Your mother will be delighted to join us in our excitement."

I’m eagerly anticipating Olivia and her mother's reunion when I leave. As I press on the gas pedal, I can imagine the happy tears and the embraces that Olivia and her mother will have during their reunion. We will all become closer together due to our engagement, creating a complex tapestry of love and support.



Iwalktowardthefront porch as I watch Ethan slowly move away from my eye's reach. [MT3] I’m instantly drawn to my mother's well-kept garden and its vivid hues as soon as I walk onto the path that leads to her home. A beautiful oasis, the front yard is alive with a variety of blossoming flowers that fill the air with their pleasant smell. The walkway's bordered by nicely manicured bushes, which adds a sense of sophistication to the overall attractiveness.

The house is towering and coated with worn bricks that show the passage of time. It seems cozy because of the walls' soft cream tint. Views from the windows offer glimpses into a world where elegantly patterned curtains conceal a world full of memories.

The wooden door has been polished to a glossy luster throughout the years. With a subtle invitation to enter, the brass doorknocker gleams in the sunlight. A little porch provides shelter over the entrance, making it a relaxing area to unwind and take in the view.
