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"You guys have exchanged phones now?" Aiden says as we both chuckle.

"Nah. I wanted to share some very special news with you," I say.

"No way! I was waiting for this news," Aiden replies.

"How did…?" I say, but I put my hands on the microphone and gaze over Olivia, who is anticipating Aiden's reaction. "Have you told Aiden the news already?" I asked Olivia.

"No, I haven't," Olivia replies.

I take my hand away from the microphone. "How do you know the news already?" I ask Aiden.

"I don't. I'm just kidding. So, what's the news?" Aiden laughs.

"Oh. Um, Olivia and I are engaged," I say.

"Wai… Really?" Aiden says, his voice full of excitement.

"Yes," I say.

"I’m so happy for you guys. Can you put the phone on speaker?" Aiden asks.

"Of course," I say as I do as he asks.

"Hey, Aiden. It's Olivia here.”

"Hey, Olivia. I’m so glad your relationship worked out. All the very best, guys, and thank you for sharing the news with me. I hope you guys stay happy forever, and I love you guys," Aiden says.

"Thank you, Aiden, for the wishes," I say.

"Thank you," Olivia says after me.

"I have some work to do. I'll talk to you guys later," Aiden says.

"Yeah, of course," I say as I hang up the phone.

We call our relatives and family members all morning, sending the word around like water in a pond. It seems as if our love story has taken on a life of its own and is touching the hearts of the people we hold dear.

After the calls, our families come together at my house, bridging the gaps between their various customs, cultures, and origins. New relationships are created, and our support network is strengthened as they interact and exchange tales. It's a lovely reminder that love has no bounds. It unifies and brings disparate strands together to form a colorful tapestry of joy.

"One of my relatives asks about the wedding date: 'So, when are we going to have this wedding?'"

"I think the tenth of July seems perfect," a relative from Olivia's family suggests. "It falls on a Sunday, and everyone would be free."

After a thorough discussion, everyone reaches a consensus and agrees, which is just about one week away.

I make some final calls to the relatives who can’t attend the meeting at my house due to their unavailability, inviting them to our wedding.

"That was quite a morning," I say, but I sense some strain in Olivia's look. She seems to be keeping something from me.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did anything happen?"

"Because of the tension in our relationship, I haven't informed my mother yet," Olivia responds.

"It's better if you tell her in person," I suggest.

"Yes, I think that's the best choice," she agrees.

"Great. I was actually thinking, let's find a wedding venue today. After checking out the venues, I can drop you off at your mother's house," I propose.
