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My father chuckles and leads me to exit the bridal room and to the beautiful arch that marks the beginning of the aisle.

"Well, we can't have that. Now, smile, darling. You’ll be the star of the show," he whispers as the pianist begins the wedding march, and I watch everyone stand and turn to see us. My eyes meet Ethan’s, who makes a strange face as if confused about whether to smile or cry. It causes me to laugh, but I hold it, letting a smile remain on my face. I giggle softly as I see Aiden pass a napkin to Ethan.

My father hands me off to Ethan and smiles at him.

"Take care of her, son."

Ethan's eyes sparkle with an unreadable emotion at the comment.

"I will."

I face Ethan as he pulls me before the officiant.

"You look gorgeous."

"So do you."

We giggle quietly before our attention turns to the officiant as he clears his throat.

"Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Ethan Reyes and Olivia Marshall in holy matrimony. Mr. Reyes, take Ms. Marshall's hands and speak your vows."

Ethan takes my hands and draws a deep breath.

"Damn, I should have kept my sheet with me."

The guests fall into mirthful chuckles. I giggle as well because I can feel his hands trembling in mine. I gently squeeze them in reassurance, and Ethan looks at me gratefully.

"Olivia Marshall. Lord knows how grateful I am to have caught you that day at the charity ball. And since then, your words, your actions, and even now, when you reassured my trembling hands that you are here with me, everything about you made me want to be a better man so I could prove myself to you. Now, looking at the fact that we are standing here, I'm thinking that you agree."

Another chorus of chuckles.

"Thank you for choosing me, Olivia. I promise that come what may I will stay by your side till we move on forever."

Every word spoken from Ethan's lips brings me closer and closer to tears. A few slip out, but how could I stop them when they mark their trail of happiness down my cheeks?

"Ethan, my dear Ethan. You’re a jerk for making me cry before the night is over. You always ask me if you're enough when you’re the one who taught me I was enough. Each day I’ve spent with you, you have taught me to love myself a little more, and with that, I learned to love you too. I believe that no one can make me cry while smiling or die while laughing like you do. I'm so proud to be chosen by you and to choose you. You said that you will stay by my side forever. In reality, Ethan, you are my forever, and I promise to love and cherish you for just as long."

At the end of my speech, a series of sniffles moves through the crowd, and we laugh as one of Ethan's little nephews brings the rings. Ethan slips one onto my finger while I do the same for him.

"I, Ethan, vow to accept you as you are and welcome the changes you bring. I vow to cherish and love you till our forever and trust in your love for as long as we shall live."

I smile and repeat his words.

"I, Olivia, vow to accept you as you are and welcome the changes you bring. I vow to cherish and love you till our forever and trust in your love for as long as we shall live."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Ethan doesn't wait to grab me by the waist and pull me in for a kiss. Our kiss is messy with tears and toothy smiles, yet I doubt I will ever forget it. I will never forget the exhilarating feeling of being bonded to the man I love with our loved ones celebrating with us. It is the most intense and amazing feeling in the world.

The night proceeds with laughter and music as we mingle among the guests and share a bit of the gorgeous four-tiered cake. Our guests congratulate us, and the adorable kids shyly come up to me to give me flowers. I giggle as my bouquet keeps getting bigger and bigger. It becomes so big that during the bouquet toss, it bursts midair and pelts roses on all the women reaching for it. It causes a lot of commotion and laughter.

Ethan even manages to pull me into a dance after I share one with my father and brother. He presses kisses against my cheek whenever we get close enough until I feel ticklish and laugh. The night feels perfect.


As the moon casts its gentle glow upon the room, Ethan and I stand before each other. It’s our first night as 'official husband and wife, and I can hardly contain my excitement.

"Ethan…. Tonight, is a night I've dreamed of since the day I first met you. I feel so blessed to be your wife." I say with joy as he reaches to take me in a deep embrace.
