Page 69 of A Dragon's Curse

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“You’re entering a realm with a bloodthirsty dragon, hellbent on causing you and your mate suffering,” River pointed out. “Don’t make promises you’re not sure you can keep, D.”

“I’m going to be fine,” I said. “There is a horde of dragons here that will make sure of that.”

“Okay.” The single word was said with heavy disbelief. “I love you.”

“Love you, Riv. Always have, always will. But I need to go.”

His response was tense silence.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” I added.

“You better.”

“I promise. Be prepared for all the tackle hugs. Just like when we were little.”

He finally grunted out a laugh. “I’ll hold you to it.”

Our call ended, and I looked up again to find Cillian still standing in front of the truck. His hands were shoved in his pockets and his lips were pressed thin.

I got out of the cab, leaving his phone behind since it wouldn’t do us any good in Drago, and headed straight to him, wrapping my hands around his neck and looking up at him. “What’s wrong?”


“Don’t lie to me,” I said firmly.

His eyes closed briefly before he stared closely at my face. “You have a lot of people who love you in your life.”

“So do you.”

His head shook. “I thought I did.”

“Just because your grandmother turned on you doesn’t mean the rest of your family has,” I said. “What about your uncles? I know I haven’t met them yet, but I’m sure that doesn’t change anything.”

The grimace on his face had my chest tightening. “There was so much going on before that I didn’t tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“Someone murdered them in their home and left their bodies, likely for me to find.” His words were barely above a whisper. “I’d shoved down my grief to find you, but seeing how close you and your family are… I’ll never have that again.”

Fuck. I hated this so much for him. I wanted to tell him that everything would be okay, but it was already so far from okay that I couldn’t force the words to leave my mouth.

Instead, I moved my hands to his chest and held his stare. “I’ll be your family, and that makes my family yours as well. They’re a little insane at times, as you’ve already seen, but they’ll always have your back.”

A single tear fell down his right cheek. “Thank you.”

“We’ll give your uncles the proper goodbye they deserve as soon as we rip Knox’s cold heart from his chest.”

That had the side of his mouth turning up. “There’s noweinvolved in that scenario. Knox is mine to kill.”

As much as I wanted that bastard’s blood, I knew Cillian was right. This was his fight, not mine. No matter how entangled I was in everything.

“Is the portal safe for me to go through?” I asked, knowing that we needed this moment together but also needed to hurry.

He nodded. “It’s been open this whole time. Hopefully Knox hasn’t figured that out.”

Hell, I hoped not.

Cillian grabbed my hand from his chest and squeezed before leading us back toward the portal. “Ready?”
