Page 42 of Corrupted Sinner

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Instead of pissing me off, it made me feel kind of squishy inside, soft and pliant.


The word whispered through me, taunting me.

“Thanks, I appreciate it,” I said, forcing the words out in a tone that was one hundred percent crazy Greta.

Then I stepped around him and hightailed it up the stairs. For the first time in my adult life, it felt like I was running away from something. The stupid man had made me a coward.

And I didn’t like that one bit.

Chapter Fourteen


Guns. Clandestine, late-night meets at the docks in Mexico.

This shit should have been boring. It should have felt like every other meet I’d worked with the Luciano family.

But it didn’t.

Something was tingling inside me, right down to my fingertips, and it wasn’t the good kind of tingling. More like a prickling; it poked like a thousand tiny needlepoints from the inside out.

Vito shifted the Navigator into park and got out as a limo rolled to a stop beside us. He opened Deo’s door, and Deo stepped out.

Once again, I got to stay in the car with Brute. Hopefully, if it got too hot, they’d at least crack a window for us. Like you’d do for a dog. I rolled my eyes.

The moment the limo door opened and Leeri stepped out, right behind Domínguez, though, Brute sat up straighter.

“Why the hell would he have brought her?” he asked, though I think he was just thinking out loud. That, or he really thought I knew the inner workings of Javier Domínguez’s sick mind.

But something didn’t feel right. The prickling sensation got worse, and the tiny voice in the back of my head started screaming at me to get the hell out of here.

I’d ignored it when we’d gone afterEl Víbora. I’d pushed it right out of my head as I’d stood there meekly and let his fucking goons tie me up and ship me off to theircapo’sdank, concrete dungeon of girls.

I didn’t regret it; I couldn’t. It was only through me being shipped off to that hellhole that Gabe had been able to learnEl Víbora’s location.

Didn’t mean I wanted to repeat the experience. Ever.

I sighed and stared at Leeri as she slipped her hand around Domínguez’s arm. Not surprisingly, her reason for being here wasn’t plastered across her forehead.

Brute shifted in his seat and stared for a moment.

“Something doesn’t feel quite right here,” he muttered under his breath, quoting the words I’d said to him not long ago.

With his gaze fixed on his sister, he got out of the car, and I leaned toward the window, watching.

I was watching as Leeri’s eyes widened at the sight of her brother, just a little, and she covered it fast. So fast, I would have missed it if I hadn’t been paying close attention.

“What are you doing here, Brute?” she asked as he closed the distance between them. Her tone was flippant, but I wasn’t buying it.

Brute shrugged. “We’re on our way home from here. Thought I’d come along for the ride and save my friends here from having to swing back to get me.”

Leeri nodded, but she was distracted. She kept looking past Brute, past our car. And suddenly, it felt like there were eyes watching me, coming from every direction, centered most on the center of my back like a bull’s-eye.

I turned around in my seat and followed the direction she’d been looking.

