Page 49 of Corrupted Sinner

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Leeri glared mutinously but didn’t fight them when they towed her along up the stairs and out of sight.

“Okay, that was chilly,” Raven mused when a door upstairs clicked open then slammed shut. She glanced at her watch. “Shoot, I’ve got to go.”

She leaned up on her toes and kissed Nico.

“Catch up later tonight?” she asked me as she grabbed her purse and headed for the garage while Nico headed back down the hall.

“Yup”—assuming I’d managed to get any sleep by then.

Gabe shook his head. “Go home, Greta. You look like you need sleep.”

“Is that your way of saying I look like shit?”

He smiled. “I’d never say such a thing.”


“It would just make you crankier,” he muttered under his breath.

I would have argued… but in all fairness, he was probably right.

“We’ve got one more problem,” I said, wishing like hell we didn’t.

“Domínguez?” Gabe asked, already guessing where this conversation was going.

I nodded. “He was there when we took Leeri. Chances are he’s in jail now, but he’s still going to be looking to retaliate. Deo and Vito went to the Lucianos to warn them, Brute’s already gotten in touch with his club brothers, and he doesn’t know about your involvement, so Leeri should be safe here, but…”

“But you never know exactly where the shrapnel’s going to land when the bomb goes off?” he finished.


“It sounds like everyone’s as prepared as they can be for now. Get some sleep, and then we’ll figure out a way to get your little fed talking. If Domínguez’s in jail in Mexico, I doubt he’ll be in there long, not with police in his pocket and plenty of money to burn.”

Which was actually a good thing. It wasn’t impossible to get to a man on the inside, but it was trickier. Better if he was out roaming around for us to take down.

“Sounds like a plan.” Really, any plan that involved sleep sounded like a pretty good plan at the moment.

“The boys dropped off my bike a few minutes ago,” Brute said, motioning toward the door. “Come on, darling. I’ll give you a ride home.”

I should have said no, but then again, I wasn’t sure I’d have been able to stay awake at the wheel. “Lead the way,” I said instead. And for the first time in my adult life, I think I was actually too tired to want the big man for anything but the ride home he could provide.


Apparently, I’d been wrong about that. Between the purr of the bike and the jacked abs beneath my fingers on the short drive, I was pretty much ready to drag Brute Hastings off his bike and into my home to sample every inch of his ripped body with my fingers and my mouth. And maybe even my teeth—I hadn’t decided yet.

There was just one problem.

“You do realize this isn’t my home, right?” I said as Brute stopped the bike in front of a gorgeous ranch-style house with an impeccably landscaped front yard. There were no flowers in it, but long stone garden beds stretched across the front of the house and down the walkway, filled with perfectly groomed little bushes.

“It’s my home,” he said like that was all the explanation required here.

I cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting for a bit more elaborate explanation as he got off the bike, taking those killer abs with him as he went.

“The Lucianos have the manpower to protect themselves, and my boys will be fine, but no one’s said a word about watching your back.”

Well, no, but that was because all Domínguez knew about me was that my name was Greta, and since my apartment in the city was leased under an alias, I was reasonably in the clear.

“Is this your way of flirting,darling?” I asked coyly, giving myself time to think about how I felt about this. Sure, it was sweet, but also, I could watch my own back, thank you very much.
