Page 39 of Control

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Even if I did go to Brew’d Awakening and ask for a job, there’s no guarantee I’d get an immediate start date. And I’d have to wait to get paid. I couldn’t pull together the kind of cash I need to take care of the apartment lease.

I need an up-front cash payment to help get me back on my feet. And while I’ll feel guilty for taking advantage of Thor like that, if he really wants me to sit with Matty for ten days until his Mom comes in from the Pacific Northwest, then it’s going to cost him.

Hands shaking, stomach like lead, I type out a message to him. As I’m typing, the dots move on the screen, indicating that he’s typing to me too. What the heck?

After a beat, a message appears.


Can I buy you dinner and talk about my offer again?

And if your answer is still no, can I buy you dinner to thank you for helping me with Matty?

And if that answer is STILL no, can I buy you dinner to return the headphones you left here?

Actually, I bought you new ones. Matty has claimed yours as his own.

A giggle bubbles in my chest. He’s adorable when he’s flustered. I was going to talk to him about the job anyway, so face to face sounds like a better plan. Plus, I do love food.

Sounds good. What do you have in mind?


My place? I’ll order in. You like meat?

I spray water out my nose at his question. The temptation to poke fun at him and tell him I lovedhismeat is overwhelming. But I bite it back.


Please tell me you’re not a vegan.

What’s wrong with vegans?


Nothing. I’m sure they taste delicious.

Does that mean if I’m not a vegan I’m safe, and you won’t eat me?

I gasp at the message that flew out of my fingers, wanting to un-send it, but it’s already marked as read.


Actually, I know you’re not a vegan. You put bacon on your plate when you stayed over.

Also? We both know how much I enjoyed eating you, Addison.

Fuck. This conversation has taken a turn, and I have no idea how to get it back on track considering how inappropriate it is. He’s my potential employer, and now all I’m thinking about is riding his tongue with reckless abandon. Again.


See you at 5:30?

Sure thing, see you then.

I resist the urge to call him boss, or boss man, or Sir, and place my phone on the table just out of my reach. I don’t need to flirt with him, I need his money, that’s all. And he needs my expert babysitting skills.

I laugh so hard I almost piss myself. This is the single worst idea anyone has ever had. Pulling out the laptop from my bag, I open it on the table. Maybe if I go back over the job sites again I’ll find the perfect job waiting for me. It’ll pay enough money to dig me out of this property hole I’ve managed to get myself into, and it’ll keep me away from delicious Thor, and his kid.
