Page 40 of Control

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My phone vibrates with a message. It’s a potential roommate who wants to meet. Maybe things are finally looking up for Addison the screw up.

* * *

Walkingup the familiar path to Thor’s door stirs something in my stomach. A week or so. That’s all he needs me for. Once the week is up, his Mom will take care of Matthew, and I’ll have enough money to keep me afloat until I figure out the next thing.

It’s extortion. I know this. But if he’s likely desperate enough, he’ll pay it. And I’m definitely desperate enough to ask.

He opens the door with a smile, stepping back so I can enter the house. “Fancy seeing you here.” His hand meets my lower back as he leads me into the dining space. “I ordered Manny’s, it’ll be here any minute.”

“Manny’s?” I can’t have heard him right. Manny’s is the best steakhouse in Minneapolis. Huh. Maybe it’s not extortion after all.

He pulls out a chair and gestures for me to sit. He’s moved the dining table so it’s placed such that you can see the living room while you eat. Matthew’s sitting on the sofa, he’s got a game on the TV, and headphones over his ears. Smart. I love strategy, and the fact Thor has moved his dining table and can still see his son and make sure he’s okay tickles something inside me.


“Just one. I’m driving.”

If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s trying to woo me. He’s wearing a plain white v-neck t-shirt, stretched beautifully across his wide chest. His dark-wash jeans contrast my light-wash jeans, but he totally wears them better. How does he make casual look so goddamn sexy?

“I’m just going to say a quick hi to Matthew.”

He nods before pouring me a glass.

Matthew barely breaks eye contact with the TV screen until I sit next to him and point to his headphones. He pulls one side off, but continues playing.

“Hi, Matthew.”

“Hi, Addison.”

I love that he remembers my name without me having to remind him. My parents have known me my whole life and some days it still takes them three tries to get the right daughter’s name when they’re talking to me.

“How are you?”


Colors flash in blurs of motion on the screen as hockey players crash each other into the edge of the arena. Right as I stand to go back into the kitchen, Matthew clears his throat. “You wanna hear another Wild fact?”

I can’t help but grin. His enthusiasm for hockey at such a young age is adorable and makes me wish I knew more about the sport. Maybe I can find a hockey encyclopedia somewhere to see if I can’t keep this kid on his toes with hockey facts.

“Of course I do, buddy.”

“The team’s official fight song is “Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince.”

“Great song.”

He pops the headphones back in place over both ears so I slip back out into the kitchen. A few minutes of silence and sipping wine pass by before the doorbell chimes. While Thor deals with the delivery guy, I sneak a glance around. The lighting has been changed, it’s not as bright and harsh, and there’s a giant lava lamp next to a salt lamp beside Matthew as he plays in the living room.

Thor’s definitely done some homework, and shopping, in the past few days. How many toys and trinkets has he bought for Matthew’s room? I can just see him in my mind, running around the store with a cart, dumping everything he can think of into it.

“I wasn’t sure what you’d like. I realize I could have asked, but I figured anything you don’t like can do for my meals tomorrow. I ordered some lobster cakes, a Caesar, and a wedge salad. I got a fillet, and a strip, loaded mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, French fried onions, mushrooms, and creamed garlic spinach.”

My mouth is watering as he unpacks all the boxes.

“Manny’s makes the single best bread pudding I’ve ever eaten, so I got some of that, a slice of cheesecake, and some key lime pie.” His face is bright red. This is easily a three hundred dollar spread. I get it, I’ve panic-ordered more food than I need from my local Chinese restaurant on more than one occasion, but this... this is an expensive moment of panic. How much does Protocol pay their staff?

“Day job, remember?” He taps a finger to the side of his temple like he can hear my thoughts. “Contrary to how it may seem, I’m actually quite a smart guy.” He flashesthatsmile, and my panties combust. I wore boy shorts today, a step above my period pants, and an absolute deterrent to taking my clothes off for that man. He cannot see my Wonder Woman boy shorts. He will not.

He hands out plates and serving utensils before ducking into the living room. It takes great self-restraint not to ogle his ass, and as he crouches down next to Matthew, my ovaries explode. His entire demeanor changes, softens, and he’s just so adorable.
